CalunixSA Releases Study on Brand Effectiveness for Online Gaming

CalunixSA announced the results of a study about online gaming and the effectiveness of advertising in that medium that was conducted among Internet casual gamers to discern if they would remember any brands after playing online games.

Although video games have been around for decades, only recently have advertisers noted the opportunity for brand placements and other forms of advertising in games, and this practice seems to be growing, in particular for online casual games. These kind of are well known to attract mostly females between 25 and 54 years old, a highly coveted demographic for consumer brands.

Recent brand-impact researches found out that the successful association of a brand with the fun of gaming, usually results in a raise of brand metrics such as brand awareness, message association and purchase intent. What's more, consumers are more prone to remember the brand or product itself after playing a game, and they are also likely to associate specific brand attributes with it. In another example, preliminary results from an Online Video Advertising Effectiveness study, conducted by the in-game advertising network "NeoEdge Networks" discovered that online gaming provides "substantially better performance and consumer perception than traditional TV advertising".

CalunixSA, a rising online media agency, recently announced the results of a three month study on brand effectiveness for online gaming, conducted among Internet casual gamers to discern if they would remember any brands after playing. Recall, click through and persuasion for banner ads in online games were also some of the areas to be researched.

The research showed that online gamers see, hear and remember brands at a higher level during game play and have a generally positive attitude to in-game advertising. After playing a game, gamers were asked to take part in a survey, and the results reveal that they were able to recall about 60% of brands placed within the games. Furthermore, very positive effects were found in metrics related to brand equity and buying intention, probably at least in part due to the recurrent exposure that game-playing gives the ads.

Another finding of the study was that, although the casual gaming market is composed mostly of females between ages 25 and 54, it is rapidly growing among young men. These kind of online gamers are likely to be in work, and among other things are generally competitive, materialistic, brand-conscious and interactive.

To sum it up, the study suggests that advertising inside online casual games is effective, unimposing on the gamer experience and cost effective. The immersive nature of online casual games makes them a powerful consumer engagement tool for the brands. Combining brand advertising with lean-forward casual games results in dramatically increased brand awareness and perception. Based on these results, CalunixSA recommended several companies to adjust their online branding strategies with the purpose of improving the effectiveness of their branding efforts. Furthermore, Calunix has announced the availability of this survey to their clients in optimizing their online marketing strategy for e-gaming.

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About CalunixSA
Calunix S.A. is an online media agency with offices in Montevideo, Uruguay that provides a variety of customer acquisition and retention solutions to clients in the online gaming and gambling industry.

Phone: 00598 2 409 94 73
Email: [email protected]



Tags: calunix, calunix sa, calunixsa, games advertising, online gaming, online marketing, online media agency

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