Can-C - 10 years of the ultimate anti-aging super antioxidant eye drops.

Can-C eye drops have been available for a decade and the popularity of these super antioxidant drops go from strength to strength helping humans and dogs combat eye disorders like age related cataract.

The research to find an eye drop to combat aging eye disorders was started nearly 20 years ago by Dr Mark Babizhayev. The results of the clinical trials were amazing. Dr Mark created an eye drop that effectively breaks down the debris caused by age, thus allowing the eye to begin the process of healing itself. He showed that these natural eye drops protect against potential future eye disorders but also that they combat existing age related conditions including cataract in both humans and animals, especially dogs. Dr Mark's research foundation, Innovative Vision Products (IVP) in Delaware released Can-C eye drops to the world a decade ago. They have proved to be a worldwide success with over a million bottles sold so far.

Can-C eye drops are the original patented drops containing the all important N-alpha -acetylcarnosine (NAC) a di-peptide that works as a 'carrier' for L-Carnosine, an anti-aging super-antioxidant that helps to fight age-related changes in the skin, brain, heart, eyes, muscles and other tissues. The only clinically proven way to deliver L-Carnosine directly into the area of the eye which is damaged by time and age, is to use IVP's approved, specially formulated, N-acetyl-carnosine Can-C eye drops.

Cataract formation is an almost inevitable symptom of aging. The imbalance of proteins and an over exposure to damaging free radicals as we age cause the lens to be starved of important anti-oxidants thus making the lens hard and non-transparent. Being part of the brain, the eye has an incredible ability to heal itself especially in the correct 'environment'. The super antioxidant qualities of n-acetyl-carnosine get to work where needed, purging age-related 'debris,' clearing the way for the eye to begin the process of healing itself.

Although cataract surgery is one of the most commonly performed surgeries in the world, 5% of procedures are unsuccessful. For thousands of people this expensive, evasive surgery could prove to be extremely costly especially if they fell into this 5% category. For age related cataract, IVP's NAC eye-drops provide treatment without surgery allowing the patient to keep their natural lens rather than cope with an artificial one. To avoid the anxiety, stress and concern of an expensive operation, why not consider using an eye drop? Per affected eye, just 2 drops in the morning and 2 drops in the evening using this soothing, lubricating eye drop is a fantastic alternative to surgery.

Can-C eye drops are a nutritional supplement used not only by humans but also in animals, especially dogs, as they share many of the same ocular disorders. The drops need to be taken on a daily basis, 2 or 3 times a day. For age related cataract reversal this can mean daily administration for up to a year. Most people notice an improvement in their vision at the 3 month stage, reporting better color clarity and improved night glare and vision.

In the same way people take nutritional supplements and vitamins, the drops are very popular with those who are interested in the prevention aspect to ocular health and also with professionals who rely on excellent eye sight like pilots. Since Can-C came to market 10 years ago, most of the excitement surrounding the drops is with the age related cataract reversal but these remarkable drops are not just for cataracts. They have demonstrated positive results with those suffering with Dry Eye, Contact Lens Disorders, Computer Vision Disorder, Blurred Vision and Retinal Disease.


Tags: anti-aging eye drops, antioxidant eye drops, best eye drops for cataract, Can-C, can-c eye drops, can-c eye drops for dogs, cataract, cataract eye drops, cataracts, eye drops for cataract, eye drops for dogs, n- acetyl-carnosine eye drops, NAC eye drops


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