Can Screenwriting Programs Make You The Star You Know You Are?

Screenwriting programs are a must if you are going to be an established writer in Hollywood.

Hey, everyone!

To be able to write a good screenplay, it's not just enough that you should have a great subject matter with superb visualization, you have to be able to present it in the right way, and that's where a screenwriting program comes into its own right. Whilst good screenwriting software will never be able to make a silk purse from a sow's ear, it can take a good screenplay and present it in the best format for easy reading. A good screenplay that is poorly formatted is likely to be overlooked, so if you are unsure how to present a screenplay in the best manner, it is well worth getting hold of a good screenwriting program.

Screenplays are actually quite complicated pieces of work, so when you are entering a competition for example, it's much easier for the judges, if the screenplays they are reading are all laid out in the approved manner. Some competitions have in excess of 30,000 entries which are read by over 200 judges, so standardizing the format is actually very important, especially if you don't want to fall at the first hurdle. It makes the judges work that much easier and allows them to compare different pieces of work in the same light.

There are a number of screenwriting programs available on the internet. Some are special pieces of software that you can download onto your pc or laptop. Others are web based applications that require you to be online, but don't actually involve any downloading of software. As to price, they vary, but some are absolutely free. Many of the screenwriting guilds or federations actually offer writing tools, including special formatting tools, to their members. If you are a member of such an organization these tools are normally available free of charge.

To the more purist, home-learnt screenwriters, they may find the thought of having to use a screenwriting program to format work correctly, slightly downgrading. But when all is said and done, the most important thing, is that your work should be presented in the right way, and if that means using these specialized software programs then so be it.

But you can get a screenwriting program that does more than simply format your work. There are several applications that allow you to share your work online with other people. Some programs will allow you to create a private or a public project for your screenplay. With a private project for example, only the people that you authorize will be able to see your screenplay. You can allow then to post comments for your consideration, and you can also decide whether or not they can edit your work.

It's also possible with some of the screenwriting programs that are available to create a project that others can share in and contribute to. Modern software technology has bought the production of film scripts into the 21st century. Not only can you preview your work and your presentation on screen, but you can edit it so easily. It's almost unthinkable how hard you had to work before these sorts of programs became available. You get picture boards, numbered screens, and a list of characters related to the screens, making traceability and editing an absolute dream.

We've certainly come a long way from where we once were with the new screenwriting programs that are now available, and it seems absolute folly not to avail yourself of the great presentations they can provide, not to mention the incredible time saving they offer. It makes your final screenplay presentation so much easier to achieve.

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Tags: fiction, final draft, Non-Fiction, novel, screenplay, screenwriter, script, scriptwriter, story, structure, writer

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