Canada: Jumpstart Your Design Engine

One year after the spirit of Canada soared to all-time highs at the Vancouver 2010 Olympics, we are uniting the country again - to show the world that we aren't a one-trick pony! 10 Provinces & 3 Territories, 33+ Million People, 1 Queen, 1 Beave

One year after the spirit of Canada soared to all-time highs at the Vancouver 2010 Olympics, we are uniting the country again - to show the world that we aren't a one-trick pony! 10 Provinces & 3 Territories, 33+ Million People, 1 Queen, 1 Beaver. Toronto might be the third city for interior design after New York and Boston, but Canada as a whole has a heck of a lot more interior design talent than we've ever been credited for!, the online interior design platform, with roots in Canada is on a mission to change that this spring by rallying Canadian communities from the East to West coast to help 'Made in Canada' from the mountaintops.

From the 'who' to the 'where', we are scouring each province and territory with an aim to show off not only Canada's talented designers, creative furniture manufacturers, product designers and fabulously filled retail decor stores, but also how Canadians live. Debunking every American perception along the way, we're going inside houses, condos, cabins, cottages, chalets, farms and igloos too! The one week - one province/territory, 12 week campaign runs as follows:

• February 28 - Newfoundland
• March 7 -Nova Scotia
• March 14 - Prince Edward Island
• March 21 - New Brunswick
• March 28 - Quebec
• April 4- Ontario
• April 11 - Manitoba
• April 18 - Saskatchewan
• April 25 - Alberta
• May 2 - Northwest Territories & Nunavut
• May 9 - Yukon
• May 16 - British Columbia

The culmination of our Canadian tour: wrapping it up on Victoria Day - Monday, May 23, 2011! Help us shine the spotlight on design in the land of the true north, strong and free. Show the other provinces and territories; show the country; show the Americans; and show the world. Use the hashtag #cdndesign on twitter, join in the Facebook discussion at and follow along at starting February 28, 2011. is the affordable online platform for interior design. Save time, money and frustration with our flat-fee online Style File design packages: the 'how to', the 'what to', and the 'where to find it' design plan. We cover color, style, layout and the product we recommend for the room, available via at a steep discount to what you'd pay retail. All it takes to get started - pictures and a floorplan. Follow us on twitter @remotestylist


Tags: #cdnddesign, Canada, canadian design, canadian furniture, home design, Interior design, online design,


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Kelly Fallis
Press Contact,
131 Bloor St West, Suite 200-177
Toronto, ON, Canada
M5S 1R8