Canadian Short Film Screenplay Contest Renews Partnership With Without A Box

(Toronto) - The Third Annual Canadian Short Screenplay Competition (CSSC) -- the most prestigious short film script contest in Canada -- is thrilled to announce a renewed partnership with, Without A Box Inc..

Withoutabox (WAB), an online service dedicated to streamlining the entire festival submission process for writers and filmmakers, will allow screenwriters and CSSC script contest hopefuls to navigate the submission process and make informed and well-researched decisions about their screenplay competition entry, while saving time and money-including a web-exclusive I-Missed-The-Deadline deadline of January 31, 2010 that will save WAB entrants an eyebrow popping $20 off the extended deadline submission rate.

This partnership with Without A Box removes a lot of the administrative hassles by transforming the entire script contest back office into a secure, paperless, postage free environment. "Essentially, the whole process is streamlined, which helps the CSSC operate more efficiently", says competition founder David Cormican. "And, heading into our third year, we've now opened the doors for submissions earlier than previous years, which gives writers and filmmakers even more opportunity to take advantage of the lowest entry fee category."

Applications and scripts will be received digitally; the competition organizers will be able to communicate instantly with screenwriters through an internal messaging system; graphic designers and press from around the world will have direct access to press kits, and the process of interfacing with judges and scheduling will be expedited and simplified.

For complete details on the 2008 and 2009/10 Canadian Short Screenplay Competition winners, as well as deadline and fee information for entry to the 2010/11 competition, please visit or


Tags: #ww, #yff2010, award, competition, contest, Cormican, Film Festival, Jag Dhadli, movie, neil graham, Nominee, screenplay, screenplays, screenwriting, script, scripts, short film, SURITA PARMAR, top 10, Top 25, Top 3, Top 50, win, withoutabox, writers, writing, YFF, yff10, yorkton film festival

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David Cormican
Press Contact, Canadian Short Screenplay Competition
Canadian Short Screenplay Competition
33 Mill Street