Cancer Sourcing Agents And Distribution Crowdfunding Based In The USA Need Your Support

I have a talent. I can source a product or substance that can help many people from having a quicker contact with cancer and some NATURAL healing properties of cancer. I started this company by accident.

KECS USA LLC started due to my husband addictive and expensive habit and many past family members dieing from cancer. I have a talent. I can source a product or substance that can help many people from having a quicker contact with cancer and some NATURAL healing properties of cancer. I started this company by accident. I was a fashion designer that started a lot of manufacturer relationships. They would send me almost everything to sell. What I didnt think would happen was they started sending me MORE NATURAL cancer fighting products alternative to cigarettes smoking. I have alot of new inventions that I need help getting across the world. I would like to open up a GREEN based business that will bring the product re-evalute it and distribute first i nthe USA and then globally. Our people need the items I have access to. Everyone seem to have a relative dying or worse suffering. We are based in Phoenix Arizona and we have alot of growing potential. Doctors and hospitals and community centers can help stop our people from hurting themselves. The Impact Impact would be lower cancer rates, lower addiction rates, and more jobs.If this doesnot happen then it would be harder to assist in help saving life one person at a time. New technology is here for a reason why let it go because the one with the biggest pockets can show us this is what it is about. Making money off of death and lack of knowledge. Letting all the successful cancer causing agents succeed is not a choice. Stand up for that friend that loved one that family member you loved so dearly
What We Need & What You Get I need $15,000 to keep hiring opur sourcing agents and aquiring a building for the agents to work in as we need the building to bring in the product and get it delivered to independent doctors offices hopsital and community centers near you. We need a headquarters for customer service and testing of our product for quality care. We need to give our best to make sure all products that ARE NATURAL stays that way. Some of the herbs are grown in all parts of the country. If I come up short I will keep a storage warehouse for the product until I can reach my goal and keep my subcontractor as is because employees need payment for long man hours.
I can fundraise the rest door to door. We take on volunteers but the orders predicted for the products being imported in actually being in the usa would be more than we can handle with few volunteers.
If you help us meet our goal we can you meet your goal. We are a Self Made business so if you can help us we will help you get a center in your area. We will help you receive our medicines and receive jobs for your area.
This is a activism against Cancer and losing jobs. Help us start a flow.


Tags: cancer, crowdfunding, support


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22000 E Bell Rd
Phoenix, AZ 85022
United States