Canuck Abroad Connects World Travellers and Expats Alike

With the help of Canuck Abroad, moving abroad becomes much easier. The immigration forum at provides information people need to cope with a whole new country along with its customs, culture and beliefs, among other things.

Although living abroad is the dream of many, once they actually make this move, many feel isolated. Finding others to connect with in similar situations isn't always easy to do. With the help of Canuck Abroad, doing so becomes much easier. The immigration forum offered at provides information people need to cope with a whole new country along with its customs, culture and beliefs, among other things.

The goal of Canuck Abroad is to allow Canadian expats and travellers to exchange advice and stories. Often, information specific to the Canadian traveller can be difficult to locate, according to Michael Niren of Canuck Abroad. "Whether a traveller is in need of information about flights and hotels or is looking for a travel guide for a particular part of the world, it can all be found here. Along with this information, the forum allows for the exchange of experiences, providing a more personal touch and tips and hints that cannot be found elsewhere. That's why our site stands out from the many others offered today."

For those who are in need of UK immigration or visa information for any country in the world, Canuck Abroad can be of great help here too. Often it is difficult to know if a visa is required and, if so, which one to pursue. "This confusion is not uncommon and yet our site can help you determine if you need a visa and, for those that do, which one is required. Immigration advice is offered along with information on overseas banking and jobs. Anyone who is looking to relocate can learn a great deal of information in a short period of time with the help of the site. The forums give a look at what others have experienced in these areas and many others."

Connecting with others is an issue that many face when they choose to move or travel abroad. Finding others in similar situations is easier now thanks to the listing of Canadian Expatriate Associations on Canuck Abroad. Whether one chooses to move to Belgium or to the Bahamas, or almost anywhere in the globe, a group is available to make the transition easier. "Life is too short to spend time feeling lost and lonely in a new country. No longer does one have to worry about experiencing the feeling of being all alone. No matter where a person goes, he or she connects with others in a very short period of time," Mr. Niren explains. "Our goal is to help each person find his or her place in this world without a lot of hassle or headache."


Tags: Canada, immigration forum, immigration help, moving

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Canuck Abroad
20 Eglinton Ave West (Suite 2202)
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
M4R 1K8