Car Insurance Samurai: An Invaluable Tool for Attorneys and Insurance Agents

Both investors and professionals can find a great deal of useful information at the Car Insurance Samurai. Like average people, they will be entertained and informed by the Samurai's fun and informal, but hard hitting style of writing.

The Car Insurance Samurai, a blog maintained by veteran business writer Daniel G. Jennings, is an invaluable source of information for personal injury attorneys, journalists, investors, automotive industry professionals, and insurance agents.

Even though the Samurai’s primary focus is on news and entertainment for the general consumer, it contains a great many facts that could be of use to professionals in many fields, as well as both amateur and professional investors. The website covers law, automotive technology, insurance, the auto industry, alternative fuel vehicles, and even ride sharing services such as Uber.

In the near future, the Samurai plans a detailed series of articles on Uber and features about Google's self-driving car and its possible effects on the car insurance industry. Believe it or not, Google's self-driving car might actually lower auto insurance rates dramatically.

The website occasionally runs big picture articles, such as an explanation of how the large number of Americans without health insurance raises auto insurance rates and the states with the highest insurance rates. The Samurai also runs advice features, such as an explanation of why adding a telemetric device to your car can lower your auto insurance rate.

Insurance Industry Articles

The site even runs articles on the insurance industry, including the federal government’s investigation into auto insurance and Walmart’s recent entry into the auto insurance business. The focus of these articles is on the possible effects of these events upon average consumers, but they contain information that professionals can also use.

In the near future, the Samurai plans a detailed series of articles on Uber and features about Google’s self-driving car and its possible effects on the car insurance industry. Believe it or not, Google’s self-driving car might actually lower auto insurance rates dramatically.

The Samurai has even delved into alternative vehicle fuels and shows that a technology you might not have heard of, hydrogen fuel cells, might be a superior fuel source to electricity. The website’s research also shows that natural gas and propane might be cheaper and more viable to vehicle fuels than electricity.

Investors in particular might be interested in these developments, for they could have a profound effect on the price of energy stocks. They also cast serious doubt on the auto industry’s investment in hybrids and electric vehicles.

Both investors and professionals can find a great deal of useful information at the Car Insurance Samurai. Like average people, they will be entertained and informed by the Samurai’s fun and informal, but hard hitting style of writing. 


Tags: Auto Insurance, Car Insurance, Google, Lawsuit, Personal Injury Law, Uber

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Daniel G. Jennings
Press Contact, DGJ Enterprises LLC
DGJ Enterprises LLC
21980 Highway 285 #16
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