Caregiver Tools - Targeting The "Sandwich Generation"

Sage Life Technologies released a new online application for family caregivers targeting the "sandwich generation." MySage is a suite of web tools to better manage the tasks of caring for an aging parent and juggling multiple demands. For a lim

Sage Releases New MySage Caregiver Tools
- Targeting the "Sandwich Generation"

Sage Life Technologies released a new online application for family caregivers targeting the "sandwich generation." MySage is a suite of web tools to better manage the tasks of caring for an aging parent and juggling multiple demands. For a limited time, the company is giving away two years of these services - free to the first 5000 sign ups each month.

MySage includes communication, wellness, and sharing tools to help caregivers not only care for an aging family member, but also connect with extended family and improve their own wellness. The toolset includes a family caregiving calendar with unlimited text and email reminders to alert family members about important events or tasks. Users set these reminder messages to coordinate care, provide medication reminders, or just remind family members - even teenagers - of important tasks.

Dave Paterno, CTO of Sage Life Technologies remarks that "caregivers were giving us feedback that they needed help juggling multiple roles. Our messaging and calendar tools allow caregivers to pre-set multiple reminders to go out at future specific times and dates. These messages are totally customizable so that a person can send encouragement to a teen to study for his English test next week, remind a husband to pick up dry-cleaning every Monday afternoon, and/or set recurring medication reminders for self or others. Essentially, it is like a central control station for the whole family so there are less dropped balls in the juggling act."

In addition, MySage provides a private social network for extended family members who want updates, health information, and other communications related to an aging or ill senior member of the family. "For primary caregivers who need and want to communicate to a larger family network, it simplifies the process," says Paterno.

Family Caregivers provide over 70% of the effort to help independent aging adults stay in their own homes longer. The average caregiver is age 49, female, married and working outside the home. Of female caregivers, 38% also have minor children at home. A recent Pew Report also shows that young adults are increasingly relying on their "sandwiched" parents for financial support - so middle-aged caregivers may be both caring for aging parents and grown children. "With all these demands," Paterno adds, "it is essential that we support family caregivers with tools like these."

Sage Life Technologies formed in 2003 to provide tele-health consulting, business change management and professional training services to the healthcare industry. The company offers the SageMinder Care Call System, helping seniors and family caregivers with home check in and reminder phone calls through its caregiving website,

To learn more about MySage, go to



Tags: alerts, automated care calls, caregivers, caregiving, elderly, reminders, tools

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Deah Bowes
Press Contact, Sage Life Technologies, LLC
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