Carolina SEO New Website Goes Live for 2010...
Online, January 5, 2010 ( - Carolina SEO is a dynamic industry leader on the Internet marketing scene and has ushered in the New Year with the launch of a newly designed website. CSEO is consolidating and transforming over 15 years of industry experience into the new site in order to meet the demands of a rapidly growing client base.
"We are innovative in our approach and we hope that our new website reflects this," says Senior Marketing Director, Richard West.
"In these challenging economic times, we are finding that businesses are getting real value for money by following a digital marketing campaign approach."
The revamped CSEO site offers a range of fresh resources and services for new and existing clients. Free EBook membership and informative Internet marketing articles provide access to the latest research on SEO, Email Marketing and Social Media Marketing techniques and are strong features of the new site.
Potential and existing clients can instantly access an extended range of new information and services through the new site.
The landing page visually represents the four cornerstones that form the basis of the CSEO Internet Marketing approach. Search Engine Optimization, Pay Per Click Advertising, Search Engine Reputation and Local Business Marketing.
The site emphasizes CSEO's unique and proactive approach, combining global visibility and exposure with local area focused and targeted approaches.
Internet Marketing is a rapidly exploding phenomenon, and is changing the advertising and marketing landscape dramatically. Recent research indicates that most companies spend a massive 40% of their advertising budget on digital marketing.
"Our team combines 15 years of industry experience with fresh talent and new vision. We want to take advantage of the latest technologies and trends, and combine that with our solid industry experience. We know what works and we know how to take advantage of new media forms."
ABOUT Carolina SEO
Carolina SEO (CSEO) offers cutting edge Internet marketing services. The company is committed to its core vision "Our success is your success" and aggressively pursues maximum investment return and customer relationship building opportunities for clients. Senior Marketing Director Richard West has 15 years of expertise in system administration, networking, ecommerce development and design, programming, web promotion, Internet marketing and search engine optimization. His team includes 5 full time experts and over 50 freelance consultants. CSEO provides an excellent and competitive Internet marketing service for a wide range of successful companies and ecommerce ventures.
Tags: marketing, SEO, Web Promotion