Case Study: Customizations Is A Key to Success For News Applications

This is a study created by Stanfy. It is dedicated to news category of mobile applications and their way to increase users loyalty.

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Case Study For Download: Newsfeed Customization is a Key Factor for Success of News Mobile Applications

News apps category became one of the most popular from the early beginning of mobile applications. This is a part of our everyday life, and many people start their day accompanied with coffee and mobile news.

There are more than 40.000 apps in the News category in both AppStore and Google Play, so competition is rather tough.

At the same time, according to Flurry analytics, News category is among those where users are extremely loyal (use more than 5 times a week, retention rate is over 50%).

So, users are already loyal, but publishers need to push loyalty even higher.

But how?

The main feature which media apps use now to grow loyalty is the news feed personalization.

This is a short research of the most trending news applications and their approaches to trimming newsfeed individually for their users.

The newsfeed personalization is achieved in 2 ways:
User-driven. User selects interested topics and sources including tags and sub-topics

Machine-driven. App algorithm monitors user's preferences such as news views, likes/dislikes and social preferences. After collecting this info application adjusts newsfeed and eliminates uninteresting items.

So, we need to look at examples of customization tools. We took the most trending mobile applications from the news category of App Store and Google Play and found what they have in common.

Full analysis is given at the case study.


Tags: Case Study, Mobile, news applications

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