Cash for Gold Company Offers Donate Gold Program and Tax Refund
Online, May 9, 2011 ( - The American economy was founded on the principle of the natural law of supply and demand. As such, the economy fluctuates based on the activities of everyday buyers and sellers. All aspects of daily living are affected by trends in the market, and studies now show that recent market activity has had a marked effect on precious metals. A revolutionary program launched by Captain Cash for Gold allows sellers to donate gold for charity when its value is high. This allows them to ease both their conscience and their pocketbooks, by earning the monetary dividends in tax returns and donating to a worthy cause.
The prices of all precious metals, whether gold, silver, or platinum relate inversely to the state of the economy. When the country's financial system is good precious metals decrease in value. The past four years has shown a weak economy with the current recession, and as such, gold is at an all time high. This is because in times of recession, the Federal Reserve orders the printing of more money in an attempt to kick start economic activity. More paper dollars in circulation really just lead to more inflation, as the value of the dollar goes down. The result is that everyone loses purchasing power because it takes more paper money to buy things. Hence, rising prices.
At approximately fourteen hundred dollars an ounce, gold is at record highs, with platinum and silver following similar trends. All signs show that now is the time to sell precious metals, at a high profit. Precious metals are not safe commodities to retain, because once the economy stabilizes their value will greatly decrease. Now is an opportune time to get the most cash for your gold.
Aside for selling gold and precious metals, those looking to sell gold can gain even more by donating their valuables to a worthy cause through an innovative new program introduced by Captain Cash for Gold. Captain Cash allows sellers to choose the charity they wish to support from a selection that they are affiliated with. The significant profit of the gold goes to the charity, and donors receive a tax deductible receipt. In this way, sellers can be do-gooders and shrewd businessmen in one fell swoop.
Captain Cash for Gold works with charities that are well known and thoroughly reputable. They also span a wide range of causes, allowing donors to support that which is near and dear to their hearts. This program is a winning situation for all involved parties. With gold, silver, and platinum presently reaching all-time highs, these worthy organizations can gain the most from donated gold now, while the recession and the resulting inflation drives prices up. The charities also greatly appreciate the aid, as the recession has greatly reduced their funding, and they struggle daily to stay afloat. Donating gold is an easy way for everyday consumers to help others, and themselves.
Tags: cash for gold, cash for gold jewelry, donate gold, donate your gold, sell gold, sell platinum