Cash Prizes for the First Line of Your NaNoWriMo Novel!

If you're writing a novel for the 2011 National Novel Writing Month, you can win a prize for just your first line--$100 for 1st place, $50 for 2nd, $25 for 3rd, and a copy of the book "Your Writing Coach" for seven honorable mentions. No entry fee.

Are you one of the estimated 200,000 people around the world are taking part in National Novel Writing Month? Have you written your first line?

If so, you could win a cash prize from Jurgen Wolff, author of "Your Writing Coach." First prize is $100, second is $50, third is $25, and seven honorable mentions get a copy of his book.

There's no entry fee, you just enter your first line at the website,

Why a contest for a first line? "Just to encourage writers to get started," Wolff says. "We don't have any official link with NaNoWriMo but I like to think we have the same spirit of playfulness. And it's going to be fun to read them all."

What makes a first line great?

"The most basic thing is that it should make you want to read the second line," Wolff says. "If every sentence makes you want to read the next one, you'll suddenly realize it's four in the morning and you've read the whole book. That's what every writer hopes will happen with his or her book."

The first line can be funny, dramatic, scary, or anything else, as long as it's interesting.

"I'd suggest not starting with the weather unless you have a particularly intriguing way of describing it," he advises. "Also don't have your character look into the mirror and describe what he or she looks like. That's clumsy exposition. Other than that, anything goes."

Wolff will create a short list but the top three winners will be chosen by agent Julian Friedmann, of London's Blake Friedmann Literary Agency, and an editor to be confirmed.

The deadline for entries is midnight Sunday, December 4, 2011 and the winners will be announced on December. 15.

Full details and the entry form are at


Tags: book contest, Jurgen Wolff, novel contest, title contest.writing a novel, Writing Competition, writing contest

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