Casino Night at the "Boardwalk Empire"

A charity fund raising event to benefit at-risk youth in Los Angeles. The event named, Casino Night, will be themed after HBO's hit show, Boardwalk Empire. Casino Night will have professional casino tables, silent auction, food and open bar.

Foundation for Second Chances ( is hosting Casino Night, a "Boardwalk Empire" style event to raise funds and awareness for the youth it serves. Casino Night won't be a gamble, but an investment into the lives of today's at-risk youth. With many service-based nonprofits closing their doors, Foundation for a Second Chance is on a mission to maintain its excellent youth programs and to continue to invest in precious young lives.

Casino Night takes place on Saturday, November 19, 2011 at the Historic Spring Arts Tower in Downtown L.A. Themed along the lines of HBO's popular show, Boardwalk Empire, guests will enjoy a roaring 20's evening filled with live entertainment, food and an open bar. Anticipating an attendance of 500 event-goers and supporters, there will be professional casino tables and a silent auction. Though not required, attendees are encouraged to dress up for the part. Photo opportunities are part of the evening's festivities.

Councilman Jose Huizar is a huge supporter of FFSC and a sponsor of this Event.

This is an occasion to celebrate and demonstrate the power of community in Los Angeles.

Tickets are $50 each, pre-sale and $75 at the door. Go to the Foundation's website ( to purchase pre-sale tickets.

Sponsorship opportunities are still available, ranging from monetary to in-kind sponsors. Go to Foundation for Second Chances for more information and to sponsor.

About Foundation for Second Chances: Giving young people the opportunity to succeed is the mission of Foundation for Second Chances, a not-for-profit organization in Los Angeles. Young people today are the future of tomorrow. Building them up with a firm foundation is the key to success. Through after school, tutoring, literacy-based, community service and mentorship programs, Foundation for Second Chances equips children and teens with the tools to become excellent students, leaders and citizens. The key to these programs is to impart love, compassion, safety, and respect. Such nurturing builds self-confidence and self-esteem. Foundation for Second Chances helps its youth to recognize their ability to achieve, and therefore to succeed.


Tags: Charity, fundraiser, non-profit

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