Caster Concepts Wins Contract to Engineer and Build Test Machine for Navy
Online, March 17, 2010 ( - (Albion, Michigan) - March 11, 2010 - Caster Concepts, an ISO 9001-2000 certified designer and manufacturer of a comprehensive line of industrial casters, was awarded the contract to build a high performance test dynamometer for the Puget Sound Naval Facility in Bremerton, Washington. The contract calls for Caster Concepts to engineer and manufacture a test dynamometer use to optimize and fine tune the control systems that power a 325 horsepower electric motor. The contract also includes the design of a custom shipping container that will house the test equipment during transport and serve as a mobile laboratory during testing.
Caster Concepts will outfit the test dynamometer with speed and torque sensors to monitor and record performance using a PC-based data acquisition measurement hardware. The design work, including finite element analysis, will be conducted in-house. All manufacturing will be performed on site at Caster Concepts' plant in Albion, Michigan, or by one of its sister companies, Fabricating Concepts, The Machine Center and Triple E Manufacturing.
The Navy evaluated four proposals for the test dynamometer. Caster Concept's was judged to be the most cost effective and the most technically sound. Delivery of the test dynamometer will be in May. Caster Concepts will also provide onsite training and support.
Caster Concepts has long held the belief that the heart of a great caster company is the engineering and technology behind the product. The company has grown and developed its engineering team to include not only expertise in wheels and bearings but also in electronics, software, material science, product development and all mechanical engineering skill sets. As a result, Caster Concepts has been involved in the development of a polyurethane manufacturing process for airless wheels used in Humvees (HWMWV) and all terrain vehicles (ATV), driving simulators to teach advanced driver's education and the creation of a revolutionary shock absorption technology for wheels that reduces hearing loss in factory workers.
Tags: Albion, caster, casters, Manufacturing, MI, Michigan, Navy, wheel, wheels