Catalyst 360 Discusses a Simple Strategy for Success

The leaders at Catalyst 360 are always seeking ways to encourage success within their organization. The firm's director shared a unique approach that she and her managers are taking to earn the respect and loyalty of their associates.

Valentina, director of operations for Catalyst 360, was brimming with enthusiasm as she discussed a new leadership initiative the business is taking. “Becoming a leader is not a one-time event. It’s a position that requires constant refinement, and it must happen on a daily basis – not only because our current team needs to see us as frontrunners, but also because we are growing quickly and therefore adding new team members all the time. We don’t have the luxury of resting on our laurels,” she explained.

"I know this is a great idea, but like all great ideas it will fail without great execution,"

Valentina, Director of Operations

This desire to continuously maintain a keen edge when it comes being a leader has inspired Catalyst 360’s newest managerial initiative. It’s not a novel concept, Valentina explained, but one that is actually very old. “We’ve all heard the saying about not judging a person until you’ve walked a mile in his or her shoes, but like most clichés we quote it and then forget it. Instead, I think it’s time we acted on it.”

What Valentina is suggesting is for herself and others on the management team to trade workstations with other team members who are not in managerial positions. This will help them better understand working conditions in other parts of the office. She believes this will give her a clearer picture of how it feels to join Catalyst 360 and the culture that exists outside of her own office space.

Catalyst 360’s Plan for Swapping Spaces

“I know this is a great idea, but like all great ideas it will fail without great execution,” Valentina declared. She shared her four-step plan for getting the most out of this learning experience, including her specific goals for what the endeavor will achieve. “I don’t want to just try this out and see what happens. I have specific objectives in mind. For example, I think it would be a great way to interact more with some of our newer associates.”

Valentina is not just becoming more mobile, but is also letting someone use her office as if it was his or her own. “If I didn’t do this, I’d probably find excuses to wander back in just out of habit,” Valentina stated.

One more important detail is to make sure that those participating in the project are spread throughout the office – not huddled together in one spot. According to Valentina, that would defeat the purpose of gaining a fresh perspective.

In the end, Valentina is hoping that she and the other Catalyst 360 leaders make a habit of this practice and start spending more time out of their offices and seeing things from different views. “Over time, I think this practice will have a huge impact on retention, loyalty, and trust for the whole team.”

About Catalyst 360

Catalyst 360 is a leading innovative marketing firm that is committed to driving business growth and market expansion through interactive promotions. The firm’s team of campaign specialists reaches customers through unique marketing channels to provide memorable experiences that lead to lasting brand loyalty. Using a dynamic approach, the company’s brand experts establish meaningful connections between companies and their customers. They accomplish this while providing a high return on investment regardless of whether they’re representing a small local business or an international corporation. Contact Catalyst 360 today to learn about how they can help any client surpass their growth objectives.


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