Catwalk Footballer Takes Guildhall By Storm

Local star takes up modelling to help terminally ill children

Port Vale footballer Marc Richards brought the Guildhall Shopping Centre to a virtual standstill by joining glamourous models on the catwalk to help a local children's hospice.

The striker's appearance was part of the Stafford centre's 'Dress Like The WAGs' event, which brought together retailers like Wallis, Evans and Store Twenty One to show shoppers how to dress like Victoria Beckham and Colleen Rooney on a budget.

Organisers reported a huge increase in visitor numbers, and this helped raise over £250 for the Donna Louise Hospice in Trentham, Stoke-on-Trent.

The centre's Marketing and Promotions Manager Anne Graham said: "It was a great day with visitor numbers up 20% on the previous Saturday and 40% on the same Saturday last year.

"Retailers reported additional sales and interest in the items featured as a direct response to the event, and we raised over £250 for the Donna Louise Trust.

"We have also organised the Heroes' Day and a world record attempt for the number of people doing the Conga in their wellies.

"This is a serious record-breaking attempt so we're appealing to the people of Stafford to turn up in huge numbers and bring their wellies along."

The Heroes' Day featured contributions and displays from Staffordshire Police, Staffordshire Fire and Rescue, and the Air and Ground Aviation.

Anne Graham said: "The Staffordshire Regiment, the Cadet Corps of the Grenadier Guards and Staffordshire Search and Rescue were all on hand at the Heroes' Day.

"And there were also some emergency vehicles and marching bands on show.

"The intention of the day was to showcase the fantastic work these organisations undertake, as well as raising public awareness and demonstrating career opportunities."

Further information on these and other forthcoming events is available at

Registration for the world record attempt will start at 11am on 15th August in the Market Square, Stafford.

Media enquiries should be directed to Richard Swancott Associates on 01782 472035/07880 733138, or [email protected].



Tags: donna louise hospice, guildhall shopping centre, marc richards

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