CCTV Best Deterrent to Employee Theft

Hollywood locksmith fights crime with a webcam and a drill

It is a problem that has long plagued retailers and other business owners whose employees have direct access to their assets. Most loss incurred by businesses by way of theft originates with an employee, not a customer. Hollywood locksmith company Dandlock offers and encourages the installation of a Closed-circuit Television System (CCTV) for businesses of any size that are experiencing unexplained losses.

Whether the guilty employee is aware of the presence of them or not, the effect of the presence of the CCTV cameras will be immediate. If the employee knows that the cameras are there, they will be far less prone to try stealing from the company than they would have been previously. If the owner has the system installed in secret, he or she will soon know which employee or employees are responsible for the shrinkage.

One of the more appealing aspects of modern CCTV systems is the ability to monitor remotely, record digitally and reduce the overall overhead involved with live surveillance. A company can employ as many cameras as desired and can place them in as many places as they wish. The expense of bandwidth is generally low and the need for loss prevention personnel is greatly diminished in various situations.

Today's CCTV technology can be made to operate in tandem with other computer systems, particularly high-risk areas like cash registers and restricted areas. An Internet-based CCTV system can automatically record activity in certain areas and alert Loss Prevention via SMS or e-mail as the event is occurring. It can also be set to record whenever a Point of Sale (POS) system is activated to monitor activity at the register.

Dandlock encourages business owners to contact one of their Hollywood locksmith shops for a consultation and estimate for CCTV installation. Their locations are listed at



Tags: Hollywood, Locksmith, palmbeachlocksmith

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