Celebrate St. Patrick's Day Early at Second Annual Run Green 8K
Online, March 2, 2010 (Newswire.com) - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
Media Contact:
Brian Van Norman
[email protected]
Celebrate St. Patrick's Day Early at Second Annual Run Green 8K
Save by Registering Before the Event
RALEIGH, N.C. (March 2, 2010)-The second annual St. Patty's Run Green 8K (www.stpattysrungreen.com) will take place in downtown Raleigh on Sunday, March 7, 2010. The Run Green 8K offers participants and attendees a variety of activities to celebrate St. Patrick's Day early. Presented by MS Events (www.mseventsnc.org), a volunteer organization that coordinates Triangle-are bike and foot races, the event benefits the National Multiple Sclerosis Society of Eastern North Carolina.
Individuals can save $5 by registering online or at packet pickup, which will take place at Fleet Feet Sports, Raleigh on Thursday, March 4 from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Online registration closes at midnight on March 4. Race-day registration will be available for $35.
"The unique blend of earth-friendly activities and an Irish celebration makes this event exceptional," says Bruce Bokish, event coordinator. "What's more, the event helps raise funds to fight multiple sclerosis."
In true St. Patty's Day spirit, prizes will be given out during the event for the fastest kilt-wearing male and female runners, best eco-themed costume, most Irish costume, and most creative kilt. Every 100th 8K finisher will also receive a complimentary pair of Brooks running shoes from Fleet Feet Sports, Raleigh. In addition, bagpipers will be playing at the start of the race, at each mile marker and at the finish line.
Tir na nOg Irish pub will host a post-race party. The tavern will offer a "runner's menu" and will have portable beer units outside. From 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., there will be live music in front of the pub followed by an awards ceremony. Beginning at 4:30 p.m., Irish musicians, My Three Kilts, will perform for the remainder of the party. The first 1,500 registered runners for the event will receive a St. Patty's Run Green pint glass with the first beer included.
New this year, is a "Pint-sized Micro-Marathon" for non-runners who want to support the fight against MS. Participants can walk, jog, or run 26.2 yards at Moore Square and then join the post-race festivities. For $10, individuals will receive a commemorative pint glass along with the first beer included.
The St. Patty's celebration will also promote earth-friendly education, health and wellness through its green expo from 1:00 p.m. A pre-race warm up will be led by Be Active NC, and post-race massages will be available for participants. For more race information or to register online, visit www.stpattysrungreen.com or call 919.349.1719.
About MS Events:
MS Events is a Triangle nonprofit, dedicated to coordinating bike and foot races that raise funds and awareness for local causes. The organization began as a group of volunteers and continues today as such with nonprofit certification. Currently, MS Events raises funds for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society of Eastern North Carolina. 2010 events include: St. Patty's Run Green 8K, Cup 'n Cone Tour and the Ridgewood Turkey Trot. For more information, visit www.mseventsnc.org.
About Tir na nOg Irish Pub:
Located in Moore Square in downtown Raleigh, Tir na nOg offers patrons a blend of unique lunch and dinner menu items. In addition, we offer live music and weekly events including Quiz Night on Wednesdays and Local Bands and Local Beers on Thursdays. For more information, visit www.tirnanogirishpub.com.
About the National Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Society:
The National MS Society helps individuals address the challenges of living with MS through their 50-state network of local chapters. The Society helps people affected by MS by funding cutting-edge research, driving change through advocacy, facilitating professional education, and providing programs and services that help people with MS and their families move their lives forward. Visit www.nationalmssociety.org.
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Tags: 8k, green, MS, multiple, paddy, Patrick, patty, run, saint, Sclerosis, st, walk