Celebrating July 4, 1776

Presidential candidate announcement
America, The Beautiful

​Greetings, all. My name is Oren Clark, and I'm running for President.

While we all navigate this insanely-challenging year, nothing could be more important than remembering why we, as Americans, celebrate July 4th, honoring the noblest political document in history.

​It is an extra honor for me to be running for President as a Declarationist at this critical moment, and to be offering an actual solution that We The People can exercise. I hope everyone who loves this country takes the time (nine and a half minutes, total) to understand what needs to happen and why. We are the internet generation. Let's show everyone what we can do.

​Take care. Wishing all a happy, healthy Independence Day, and a long, peaceful future.

Please spread the word. ​

​Thank you, very much,
​Oren S. Clark


Source: Oren Clark, Declarationist, For President


Tags: Declaration, Independence, July 4th

About Oren Clark

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An online social network of citizens which elects itself into control of government.

Oren Clark
725 Fiddlers Bridge Rd.
Rhinebeck, NY 12572
United States