Cell Phone Signal Booster's Latest New Easy-Install Kit Sends Clear Signal for Future of Mobile Reception
Houston, Texas, March 17, 2016 (Newswire.com) - The weBoost eqo (/ˈekō/) signal booster kit "echoes" cell phone signal indoors, plus amplifies it up to 3200%! With easy installation in under 60 seconds, this product makes boosting of spotty reception easier than ever. Furthermore, this booster kit supports all phones and carriers within the USA and Canada.
The latest new weBoost Eqo booster kit does not require an exterior antenna, resulting in a simplistic “plug and play” installation that can be completed by everyone. The booster amplifies any weak pre-existing signal in structures such as houses and offices in buildings to boost those signals up to 32 times for indoor areas up to 1,200 square feet.
Mobile technology has to be simple and effective to boost productivity.
Jazmin Mendoza, Spokeswoman
When discussing the eqo cell phone booster kit and its chances in this fierce and fast moving market, Cell Phone Signal Booster’s spokesperson Jazmin Mendoza said, "This changes the game for cell phone boosters, making it a product that is easy to understand and install for everyone. There's no reason now for people in USA & Canada to have to suffer with poor cellular reception in their home or office, regardless of their service provider."
Jazmin said, "We're in a market now where mobile technology has to be simple and effective to boost productivity. I think we're bringing to market a very simple yet very powerful mobile reception amplifier that boosts signal up to 32 times more than what a cell phone alone can do on its own. It is really frustrating when wireless signal is poor, but there's no need for that now with this easy kit. It will be a lifeline for those who need a reliable signal to get through their day, such as apartment dwellers who work from home."
The weBoost EQO cell signal booster can be purchased at https://cellphonesignalbooster.us/weboost-eqo-signal-booster-kit/ in April 2016. Purchase through the website offers a no-risk refund guarantee and free shipping across the USA and Canada with lifetime product support. To learn more, please visit the product listing page at their online store.
About CellPhoneSignalBooster.us
It is a venture owned and operated by Accessory Fulfillment Center, LLC, located in Houston, Texas. The company is one of the top weBoost retailers, and their warehousing and retail operations exist in a large retail store warehouse. For those who are too far from their physical location, the website offers a safe and secure purchasing option.
Tags: cell phone signal booster, eqo booster, weboost eqo