Centareum, a Singapore Based Blockchain Startup Partners Barakat Muscat International to Bring Amazon Go Experience to Oman

Revolutionizing Brick and Mortar Businesses.

Barakat Muscat international partners with a Block-chain startup Centareum.

The largest manufacturer and distributor of fresh vegetables and fruits based in UAE, Barakat Muscat International, has partnered with Centareum Pte Ltd, a Singapore blockchain powered startup, to bring the latest cutting-edge technology of Facial recognition, indoor location tracking, and Blockchain to the people of Oman.

Centareum incorporated in 2018 with the ideology to aid falling offline businesses to market, interact, understand and reward through its platform. Centareum is a peer to peer, proximity-based online to offline to online (O2O2O) platform for the global offline economy where users shares real-time data with the retailers over a secured blockchain network in return for rewards and retailers provide personalized in-store service thus enhancing the overall customer experience.

The current partnership will empower Barakat to provide personalized experiences to its existing and new customers further.

Araj Mohandasan, Head BD at Barakat Muscat International, mentioned, “As shoppers move towards a mobile-first experience, physical retail stores are unable to justify their high overheads and continue to face stiff competition from online marketplaces. Ultimately, being forced to close if they shun innovation. Centareum is empowering offline retail stores with its revolutionary decentralized peer-peer (p2p) marketing platform. Enabling offline retailers to prospect and reward the right customers. Providing a personalized retail experience like never before.”

Through Centareum’s cutting edge technology, Barakat will soon be able to cater to the needs of the Middle East’s most-renowned hypermarket, hotels, and hospitality brands. The goal of Barakat is to leverage high-end technology, gain more understanding of their existing customers from deep analytics, re-evaluate their marketing with cutting-edge retail technology provided by Centareum.

Come this December, Centareum is excited to launch its application’s first wave which would allow consumers in Singapore to easily Search and locate stores in their vicinity. The company representative says, ”We will be updating the application every month to add new features, and we are starting with the iOS app in Singapore, but by February 2019 we plan to have Android app as well. We at Centareum are committed to providing our customers with world-class technology and revolutionize the way people shop at the offline store.”

Source: Centareum


Tags: amazon, barakat, blockchain, brick and mortar, business, centareum, cryptocurrency, offline store, retail, startup, technology

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