Center for Human Reproduction Patient Reports Excellent Response with DHEA

A top fertility center's innovative use of DHEA to increase female fertility brings new hope to their patients - and its proven effectiveness increases DHEA's popularity worldwide.

Following over five years of research on the hormone DHEA as a fertility-enhancing supplement in women with diminished ovarian reserve, New York -based Center for Human Reproduction reports yet another remarkable patient response, based on a very personal patient testimonial.

DHEA, or dehydroepiandrosterone, is a mild male hormone that rejuvenates ovaries - increasing oocyte production as well as egg and embryo quality in women with premaure ovarian aging or of advanced female age.

Researchers at CHR started investigating DHEA supplementation after a 43-year-old patient, who confessed to having taken an over-the-counter DHEA supplement for four months without her doctor's knowledge, had a massively improved oocyte yield in IVF. Under the leadership of Medical Director Norbert Gleicher, M.D., and Director of Clinical Assisted Reproduction David H. Barad, M.D., CHR's by now widely-published investigations confirm DHEA's effectiveness in increasing female fertility.

In addition to increasing the production and quality of eggs and embryos, DHEA also increases pregnancy rates in IVF treatments, increases the number of chromosomally normal embryos, increases the rate of spontaneously conceived pregnancies, and decreases the rate of miscarriages. These results can be seen in older women and younger women with premature ovarian aging.

In 2009 CHR was awarded a United States patent for use of DHEA in increasing female fertility. A very recent patient testimonial probably best describes DHEA effects in women with infertility.

One 44-year-old patient, initially skeptical of DHEA's effectiveness, wrote: "Years ago, I thought that CHR had a gimmick - DHEA - to distinguish itself from other fertility clinics. I found not enough info at the time to verify that DHEA met up to CHR's claims. In fact one doctor wrote that, if anything, one should take pregnenolone...I got nervous and stopped taking DHEA, which I'd taken for five weeks. I took pregnenolone for about six weeks and stopped as it seemed to make my cycle worse.

"Anyway, early in 2010, CHR emailed me about spontaneous conception of a 46-year-old woman who took DHEA. Finally, in early April, I reopened the bottle and started taking 50 mg of DHEA per day. In early July, I felt the cycle was excellent as the DHEA had caused an abundance of cervical mucus. On July 1, 2010, I conceived!

"There's no doubt it is directly related to CHR's progressive insights. Because CHR appears to be the only one out of the fertility clinics within NYC which promotes DHEA supplementation, it is the only one worth going to."

CHR has in peer-reviewed medical journals published a number of well controlled studies which demonstrate DHEA's effectiveness in increasing fertility amongst women with diminished ovarian reserve (examples: Fertility & Sterility, Human Reproduction, Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics).

CHR's research on DHEA, as a recently published world-wide survey demonstrates, has led to approximately 25% of all fertility centers in the world now using DHEA in women with diminished ovarian reserve.

For more information on the benefits of DHEA, premature ovarian aging, or patient testimonials, please visit

Center for Human Reproduction, or CHR, is a leading fertility center in the United States with a worldwide reputation and patient clientel as the "fertility center of last resort." For more information, please visit or call 212-994-4400.

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Tags: center for human reproduction, DHEA, dhea effects in women, dhea supplement, premature ovarian aging

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