Cerebellum Corp. Supports Non-profit Organization's Mission to Help Raise Standard of Living in Haiti

Company sponsors SionFonds to provide Haitian residents education, healthcare, job training and community improvements

Cerebellum Corporation, a company specializing in the production and distribution of educational video content, has recently helped fund a charitable project conducted by SionFonds, a non-profit organization that assists rural Haitians through education, health care, job training and community improvements. For the project, SionFonds organized a tour of 20 volunteer nurses and doctors to travel across parts of Haiti to educate and provide health aid to civilians, In addition, SionFonds set up clinics, schools and safe havens using donated supplies and funding.

"Haiti is still in massive turmoil," said Nicole Spooner, a SionFonds volunteer nurse. "With this being my second trip to the country, I was able to grasp it a little better this time. With the gracious support of Cerebellum, I saw how these organizations could help the economy and educate and enable civilians."

During the tour, the SionFonds medical team provided essential care to more than 400 patients a day. The non-profit organization also restored three schools for the Haitian youth and educated young women on the importance of safe sex, STDs, and health awareness.

"Many schools were destroyed in last year's earthquake and, since funding has been reallocated to other disaster relief efforts, education has become a low priority in Haiti," said James Rena, president of Cerebellum Corporation. "With no funding to pay teachers, and minimal schools to conduct classes, Haitian youth are left without academics. SionFonds, along with Cerebellum, has recognized this need to improve and build schools, provide salaries to teachers and equip classrooms with necessary supplies."

Cerebellum and SionFonds will continue to invest in Haitian education through funding and supply donations. To learn more about SionFonds and to donate, visit http://sionfondsforhaiti.org/.


Tags: cerebellum, Disaster Relief, Education, Haiti, health care, non-profit, sionfonds, volunteer

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Sara Sabino
Press Contact, Cerebellum Corporation
Cerebellum Corporation
1661 Tennessee St. Suite 3D
San Francisco, CA 94107