CFLA Announces Mortgage Securitization in Litigation & Bankruptcy Practice DVD

CFLA, LLC is offering a "State Bar Approved MCLE Mortgage Securitization in Litigation & Bankruptcy Practice" DVD due to popular demand from those unable to travel/attend our March 31, 2012 workshop in Las Vegas, NV.

CFLA's "State Bar Approved MCLE Mortgage Securitization in Litigation & Bankruptcy Practice" DVD is only $395.00, plus $9.95 shipping & handling; a price discount of $400 off the regular admission to this event.

This DVD is designed for the following groups:
-Attorneys who are practicing Bankruptcy and also want to litigate mortgage issues in the bankruptcy forum for homeowners

-Bankruptcy attorneys who are interested in partnering with litigating attorneys to assist in challenging mortgages on behalf of homeowners

-Litigating attorneys who are interested in partnering with bankruptcy attorneys to assist in challenging mortgages on behalf of homeowners

-Homeowners who are interested in becoming educated on more of the issues and strategies involved in successfully challenging mortgages

-Friends of Homeowners and members of the general public who desire to have a better understanding of the mortgage meltdown that has occurred in our country and how it can be effectively resolved to accomplish justice within our legal system

-Paralegals, secretaries, and legal assistants who work for any of the above listed attorneys or are otherwise independent

-Anyone who is performing audits for any of the above listed attorneys

The DVD addresses the following topics:
-Introduction to the Seminar and the Current State of the Mortgage Crisis

-Background on How the Mortgage Crisis Occurred to Understand the Solutions

-Difficulties with Past and Current Approaches to Civil Mortgage Litigation

-Why Bankruptcy is the Legal Forum of Choice for Mortgage Litigation

-Practical Requirements for Bankruptcy Mortgage Litigation

-Surviving and Defeating the Motion to Lift Stay of Foreclosure Sale

-Finding the Evidence to Win in Bankruptcy

-Preparing for the Adversarial Hearing in Bankruptcy

-The Adversarial Hearing in Bankruptcy

-Quiet Title and the Importance of Res Judicata post Bankruptcy

Workshop Testimonials
"Charles Christmas and the CLFA team have done an excellent job in providing the necessary information for the homeowner to proceed more efficiently through a very difficult and complicated fight."
Sophia Monteroso

"Good Class. Would recommend it to anyone involved in banking, real estate, finance or real estate litigation."
Dr. Kenneth Eugene Lehrer

"Very useful knowledge to help homeowners discover new options."
Fuqual Bilal

"A must class for someone working on helping homeowners stay in their home."
Hermie Bacus

"If you are serious about this business, this is the place to go."
Han Seals

"Class was very informative; instructors were great! Information is greatly needed if you are facing foreclosure. CFLA was opened the doors for litigating these cases."
Rhonda Arellano

"I would highly recommend; with the evolution of the law in this area. It is highly important to get continued updates and to be part of a group to bounce ideas with for the good of the whole process."
Ken Rodman


Tags: bankruptcy, certified forensic loan auditors, CFLA, foreclosure, Mortgage Crisis, Mortgage Litigation, quiet title

About Certified Forensic Loan Auditors, LLC

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Our founding vision at CFLA was for Attorneys and Legal Professionals to utilize cutting edge trade secrets and industry professionals to assist them in the training and work product development necessary to litigate on behalf of their homeowners.

Certified Forensic Loan Auditors, LLC
13101 W. Washington Blvd
Suite 140
United States