Charlotte Home Inspector Earns Infrared Certification

Charlotte home inspector Preston Sandlin recently earned his infrared certication by successfully completing a 16 hour course on building science and thermography. This training will help Preston see what other home inspectors can't see.

- Home Inspection owner Preston Sandlin recently earned his certificate of completion in Thermal Imaging and Building Science. He did this by taking a 16 hour building thermography course taught by John McKenna of Certified Infrared in Crocket Texas. Preston had to complete all the hours and pass with a satisfactory grade on two tests. Many of Preston's infrared pictures can be seen on

In the class that Preston took he learned about thermodynamics and how every object release wave in the infrared spectrum as the heat up or cool down. An IR camera which Preston uses with his home inspections can pick up these infrared waves. As the temperature changes there is a "Delta T" The higher the "Delta T" The greater the variation in the rate at which object heat up or cool down. The infrared camera sees these differences.

The difference in these surface temperatures shows up as different colors on the home inspectors IR camera. The inspector is looking for an anomaly to the pattern. When there is anomaly such as a cold spot or a hot spot you look for other evidence to figure out what is causing it. It can be missing insulation or moisture intrusion or many other causes. The infrared camera and the training he has received will help Preston provide one of the most thorough home inspections available in the Charlotte NC market. For more information about infrared scanning or home inspection got to or


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Home Inspection Carolina
10023 Zackery Ave
Charlotte, NC 28277