Chevron Announces Virtual 2020 Delo Tractor Restoration Competition

SAN RAMON, Calif., August 12, 2020 ( - Chevron Products Company, a division of Chevron U.S.A. Inc. and maker of the Delo® brand of technologically advanced engine oils, lubricants and coolants, has announced that its 2020 Delo Tractor Restoration Competition (Delo TRC) Finals will be a virtual event due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The annual event acknowledges and honors the achievements of our nation’s most talented teen tractor restorationists. The Finals judging will be held online Tuesday, October 27 through Thursday, October 29, and followed by the Awards Ceremony. Delo TRC is usually co-located with the National FFA (Future Farmers of America) Convention & Expo, which will also be a virtual event in 2020 held the week of October 28.
Since 1997, the Delo TRC has rewarded the determination, mechanical acumen and business savvy of high school-aged tractor restoration enthusiasts and their accomplishments across the U.S. Through the restoration of an antique tractor, participants in the competition develop skills that are a necessity to succeed in today’s business world. Those skills, which result in success as a Delo TRC competitor and ultimately, finalist – budgeting, equipment maintenance, marketing creativity, planning project management, and teamwork – prepare these young men and women as future leaders throughout the agricultural community.
“Year after year the safety of our participants throughout the restoration process – from the use of PPE to the proper use of jacks and stands – has always been Chevron’s number one priority and the judges look for documentation of being safe in each of the finalists’ reports,” states Dan Holdmeyer, Industrial Sector Manager, Chevron Products Company. “The judges query the contestants on what is in their reports to understand how much they understand what they’ve reported. Thus, hosting a virtual finals competition is not entirely out of the norm based on our heritage and principles. While we will miss getting to engage with these special young people in person, we will be able to preserve the spirit and focus of the competition in an online platform. All the components of the 2020 Delo TRC will remain the same as in past years, and we look forward to celebrating everyone’s hard work this year – and that truly means everyone, as this will be an online event. We are especially excited to have more friends and family able to join the online Awards Ceremony no matter where they are in the country.”
Unlike competitions where the aesthetics, and flashiness of a restored tractor may be more heavily weighted in judging, the Delo TRC focuses on participants’ in-depth knowledge of the restoration process and his/her understanding of the complexities involved. All entrants are required to submit a report detailing the entire tractor restoration process, from mechanical overhauls of the engine, transmission and auxiliary and ancillary systems, to the external appearance of the tractors. Judges review these reports and entrant videos to select the twelve competition finalists. Then, each project is graded on the restoration process, safety precautions, results, documentation, oral presentation, and responses to the judge’s questions, which will be conducted virtually.
An awards ceremony, during which the winners are announced, will be live-streamed on Facebook on Thursday, October 29, with everyone – all competition entrants, their parents/guardians, advisors and mentors, entire communities – invited to attend. The Grand Champion will be awarded $10,000, the Reserve Champion receives $5,000, and third place takes home $3,000.
For more about the Delo TRC, visit
Follow Delo TRC on social media channels Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Twitter.
Chevron’s Delo Product Family:
Chevron’s Delo product family includes engine oils, premium lubricants and extended life coolants that provide premium performance and bottom-line value for diesel powered vehicles. All Delo products are covered under the Delo Warranty Plus program, which provides bumper-to-bumper protection against lubricant and coolant related failures as described in the Delo Warranty. More information on Delo products can be found at
About Chevron Products Company:
Chevron Products Company is a division of an indirect, wholly-owned subsidiary of the Chevron Corporation (NYSE: CVX) headquartered in San Ramon, CA. A full line of lubrication and coolant products are marketed through this organization. Select brands include Havoline®, Delo® and Havoline Xpress Lube®. Chevron Intellectual Property, LLC owns patented technology in advanced lubricants products, new generation base oil technology and coolants. For more information visit
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Source: Chevron Products Company
Tags: Agriculture, Americana, Chevron, Delo, Delo TRC, Education, Farming, FFA Convention, Lubricants, Restoration, Tractors