Chicago Implant Dentist Uses Platelet Rich Fibrin With of Dental Implants

Chicago implant dentist Dr. Elseweifi of Bucktown Dental Associates uses Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF). to enhance healing of dental implants.

Chicago Implant Dentist Dr. Elseweifi of Bucktown Dental Associates uses Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF) to enhance healing of dental implants. PRF involves purifying and isolating the patient's body's own natural healing and growth factors from blood. Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF) is placed over bone or tissue graft with dental implants. Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF) has been used in regenerative medicine for years. PRF is considered a breakthrough in bone and soft tissue regeneration because it permits the body to take advantage of the normal healing pathways at a greatly accelerated rate.

Platelet rich fibrin (PRF) is prepared in the office from a small quantity of blood drawn from the patient just before placing dental implants. The blood is placed in test tubes and spun in a centrifuge. Spinning allows for the fractioning of blood components and the preparation of Platelet rich fibrin (PRF).

Chicago implant dentist Dr. Elseweifi adds Platelet rich fibrin (PRF) over the surgical site when placing dental implants. PRF immediately initiates a series of biological events that can take days to begin under normal surgical circumstances. Platelet rich fibrin (PRF)with its concentrated growth factors speeds the healing of dental implants and regeneration of gum and bone grafts. It stimulates bone growth around dental implants and facilitates soft tissue regeneration.

Because PRF is derived from the patient's own blood, the process is very safe with little risk of disease transmission or rejection from the donor. PRF is easily generated in the dental office and can be done while dental implants are being placed. The procedure is Cost Effective. As PRF is generated in the office, the patient does not pay for exogenous bone graft material or membranes. And, PRF is free of additives (no anticoagulant during blood harvest, no chemicals for activation).


Tags: Chicago implant dentist, Dental implants, Platelet Rich Fibrin, PRF

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Yasser Elseweifi
Press Contact, Bucktown Dental Associates
Bucktown Dental Associates
2002 N Damen Ave
Chicago, IL 60647-4527
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