Chico McRooster Celebrates Mom in Long Beach, CA, May 5 & 6, 2017

Chico McRooster to offer Mom's Day Gifts at Bixby Knolls EXPO Center.
own Village Market

Chico McRooster is so happy to be part of this yearly Mother’s Day event at the Long Beach Bixby Knolls EXPO Center. This month only, First Friday is held over through Saturday to allow extra shopping time for Mother’s Day — only one week away. Hours are Friday, 5 p.m. to 10 p.m., and Saturday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. 

About Chico Products: Chico’s signature products will be available for purchase and hands-on viewing, as his products will soon be available online. Remember, rooster is known for courage, fidelity and protection of family. 

Chico has T-Shirts, a variety of bags, mugs and cups, unique aprons, coasters — even amulets with mirrors designed to help return negative energies directed toward you.  The addition of Chico’s image adds another layer of protection. What a great gift for moms who deserve that extra protection. 

During this special Year of the Rooster, they do say that roosters bring good luck, especially if you pet them. Chico McRooster will be available for visiting, photos and petting and to give a special boost or break to your shopping. Hot-foot it on down to get some of that phenomenal, rare, real honest-to-goodness positive rooster energy. Bring your smiles and take a little time to check out Chico’s Facebook page to see others who have connected with this gentleman rooster. 

About Chico McRooster: Chico is a four-year-old Rhode Island Red Rooster, who is very friendly, loves to be petted, connects with many visitors and poses for pictures. If you ever wanted to pet a rooster, the time is now. Chico was rescued after laying in the gutter of an alley for five hours. Thought to be a tossed-out, old red-brown sock, he was finally picked up and found to be barely alive with his little song of  “peep-peep-peep.”  He was nursed back to health and now rides around in the car, goes shopping at Home Depot, Lowe's, Petco, Petsmart and finds many new friends at special events like this.  He will be wearing one of his specially made aprons and be riding in his specially decorated canopy topped cart.

How to get to there: (1) 405 Freeway to Atlantic exit North or (2) 91 Freeway Atlantic exit South

Tickets:  Free

Owner of Chico McRooster
Margie Williams
[email protected]

Source: Chico McRooster


Tags: Backyard Chickens, birds, Chicken coops, chickens as pets, Chico, Chico McRooster, dogs