Chico Radio Station KZFR 90.1 FM Supports Local Community

KZFR "The Zephyr" 90.1 FM is a true "Live and Local" community radio station "Serving the Sacramento Valley, the foothills and beyond". They boast live DJ's, support live music events, and provide local non-profits with access to airwaves.

Some of the most recent events supported by the community radio station include: a popular live performance by the Mickey Hart Band at the El Rey Theater, the Kids and Creeks Concert series, Sierra Nevada Big Room Broadcasts, Occupy Chico, Story Corps, the Chico Wildflower Century Ride, and the Touch of Chico to name a few.

About the importance of community radio, station General Manager Rick Anderson stated yesterday, "The most important things that KZFR provides our local communities are diversity in media, understanding of other cultures, community access to the airwaves, and information unavailable from corporate media conglomerates." KZFR also maintains an important local news department with the responsible, non-biased reporting the public expects from community radio.

He then listed many of the most famous local events that KZFR has been proud to have been a part of in the Chico, California area alone like: Durst and Parenti at the Sierra Nevada Big Room, Jim Hightower at ARC Pavilion, and Democracy Now's Amy Goodman at the Senator Theater. Also, some of the genres that the station offers like not only the blues, jazz, reggae, and eclectic rock shows, but also Chicano, Hmong, Americana and Louisiana, funk and hip-hop shows as well. "Community radio," Anderson continued, "is all about sustaining our local communities with diverse media that they enjoy and can trust. We're supported by the public and local underwriters and we try to give back much more public value and support than we receive. It's our main goal."

KZFR is also bringing a new level of public awareness to Northern California community radio with their new logo. A modern-looking green and black oval with clearly readable station call letters and their frequency 90.1 FM has been released. It has been described around the station as "clean and green". The logo update was accomplished by local branding agency ID International whose mantra "Building bridges, developing brands" directly applies to this local project. It is hoped by Anderson that the updated logo sticker ultimately makes it onto a visible number of cars, and that the new easy-to-understand radio schedule gets onto home and office refrigerators throughout the North State. Both of these things will likely go a long way to assist with the station's big campaign awareness goals to get the word out this fall about KZFR's important role in our local communities.

Community radio stations are licensed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) as "non-commercial educational" stations and are owned and operated by non-profit organizations. They emphasize public participation in programming decisions and provide access to members of the public to produce shows, train members of the public to produce radio, and use volunteers in many roles. They receive financial support from listeners, local business owners, and news and public affairs programs that focus on local issues and alternative perspectives on world and national issues.

If you are outside KZFR's Northern California's transmission area, have no worries as they now stream their unique programming live on the Internet from You can go there, see the new logo, hear the station, and let their Management know that you support community radio for all.


Tags: 90.1 FM, community radio, DJ's, KZFR, live music, news, non profits, non-biased, Northern California, public radio, The Zephyr

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Alex Sorger
Press Contact, iD international
iD international
1033 Park Avenue
Chico, CA 95928
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