Children 'Exercise' Their Rights To Protect Their Environment

National Go Green, Go Exercise event gets children to protect their environment and their bodies!

To help celebrate Earth Day, schools across the country have signed up for the Go Green, Go Exercise (GGGE) event this April. The lesson of the Go Green, Go Exercise program is to educate children about the significance of protecting their environment as well as protecting their bodies - - as they have a lot in common. Recycling waste helps the environment, and recycling aspects of human functions (oxygen, blood, water) during exercise helps the body. These are two important factors for children to comprehend and set as a standard for a healthier earth and body. During the GGGE events, children will use recycling products as a ticket to exercise.

The event was created by New Jersey Physical Education Teacher, Len Saunders, who is best known for creating Project ACES, a day in May where millions of children exercise simultaneously all over the world. According to Saunders, "Children today are very sedentary. Programs like the Go Green, Go Exercise event are important on many levels. It takes them away from technology, while getting them to be more interested in physical activity. At the same time, they are also learning about helping to keep our environment healthy for future generations." The recent release of the Dr. Suess movie, The Lorax, has sent a strong message to children about protecting our environment, so it is never too young to teach kids at a young age about making a contribution to a healthier earth.

Please visit the Go Green, Go Exercise web site for more information and free downloads -


Len Saunders is an award winning author, motivational speaker in the fight against childhood obesity, and nationally recognized for his innovative health & fitness events. His most recent book, Keeping Kids Fit just went into second printing.


Tags: Children, environment, Exerc ise, fitness, go green, Health, healthy, Healthy Lifestyle, Len Saunders, recycle

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