Children's Book Author Offers a New Diversion for Youngsters and Families

​When Andrea Robertson recently wrote the children’s book The Adventures of Abigail Rosebud and a Frog Named Stink, she never realized how successful it would be to serve as a diversion for youngsters and their families. 

“This children’s book came from my heart in helping youngsters enjoy themselves reading with their families, but never realized it would give everyone a chance to not constantly focus on the current medical pandemic,” Robertson said. The book has artistic renderings by Trevor Lucas, which makes it even more inviting for children to read.

The Adventures of Abigail Rosebud and a Frog Named Stink will have your little ones giggling from the first JUMP!” the children’s author added.   Adventures of Abigail Rosebud Book Preview hyperlink.

The book begins when Abigail loses her pet frog only to find him again at church inside her purse. Everything would have been just fine until Stink takes a leap of faith, and the adventure begins! Abigail and her brother are the only ones who know that Stink is the one turning the religious service into a circus. Time is ticking as they scramble to get Stink back into her purse before it is too late!

“What is truly amazing to me is the number of children who have written reviews about the book,” Robertson said. Here are some recent reviews:

"Miss Andrea is my favorite person! You will like her book." -Ethan, 6 years old. "Stink is a funny name. He made me laugh." -Kaley, 4 years old. "I think this story is good. You should read it." -Colin, 10 years old. "Miss Andrea did a great job! I can't wait for her to write more books." -Mikey, 12 years old.  These are just a few of the most recent reviews made by children.

Robertson grew up chasing lightning bugs and butterflies on her family farm in Central Illinois. She has a dear appreciation for nature and a sincere love of animals!  “As long as I can remember, I have loved writing and telling stories,” she said.  

Andrea and her husband, Clay, have done mission work all over the world and her favorite time is being with the children. She is currently writing more Adventures of Abigail Rosebud for children to enjoy.

The book, which is published by New Dominion Press, Norfolk, VA, is available on Amazon and other online locations as well as bookstores across the United States.


Media Contact Information:

Dick Baumbach – 321-544-3440 or [email protected]

Source: The Adventures of Abigail Rosebud and a Frog Named Stink


Tags: children's book, Coronavirus pandemic, covid-19 pandemic, family and children, stay at home