Children's Healthcare Golf Tournament
Online, October 20, 2010 (
The "Children's Flight: The Hope for Tomorrow" Golf Tournament will take place on Monday, November 8th at Alpharetta Club East Course.
The tournament kicks off a documentary film project to benefit Children's Healthcare of Atlanta (CHOA). The film project was created by Captain Rick Wallace and Producer/Director Mike Kirk for the Children's Healthcare of Atlanta Foundation to help raise donations to continue its mission. More importantly, the documentary is created to provide hope for the patients and families of CHOA by sharing the story of a patient who is in remission. The film will spotlight a child, their disease, treatment and convalescence at CHOA. The documentary will then follow her aboard her first flight on an airplane to Walt Disney World where she and her family will enjoy the vacation of a lifetime. It is planned to be broadcast nationwide to raise awareness for CHOA and in conjunction with a red carpet premiere night at the Fox Theater to raise over $1,500,000 for the foundation.
As part of the fundraising, the City of Milton Police and Fire Departments will engage in a bit of friendly competition to see which department can raise the most money off the course as well as who can play best on the course. The community is encouraged to pledge for either department.
Amanda White, Tournament Chair, shared "Children's Healthcare of Atlanta has touched the lives of countless children in the area, including my own daughter. Due to their amazing efforts, talent and utmost patience we have a happy and healthy 16 year old. She would not be here today without the treatment she received there. The overall documentary project will raise awareness for CHOA and wonderful work they do."
Registration is $150 per player, and covers greens fee, cart fee, prizes, breakfast, and awards luncheon. Prizes include a hole-in-one opportunity for a 2011 C300 2-year lease. The tournament will commence at 10 a.m. with an 11a.m shot gun start. Player format is four player teams, 18-hole play, and Texas scramble. Participants may contact Amanda White at (404)217-4643 or [email protected] to register. Those who do not wish to play in the tournament can also be involved through donations or volunteer work. All fees, pledges, donations, and sponsorships are tax deductible.
Tags: Alpharetta Athletic Club, Charity, Children's Healthcare, CHOA, documentary, Fundraising, golf tournament