Chile Continues Positioning As A Hot Destination For Outsourcing

Chilean agency recognized the lack of English speakers developers but agreed to continue investing in such key element needed for the success of outsourcing services.

Last week Chile hosted the first LatamOutsourcing and Investment Forum.

Invited by Chilean Economic Development Agency(CORFO), more than 40 IT companies from 13 countries and mainly focused in global offshore outsourcing, shared experiences and learn about why to invest in building their development centers in thisexceptionalcountry.

During the 3-days Forum, foreign outsourcing companies met with Chilean Government stakeholders and key local players interested in helpingto place their branches in such hot business environment.

Forum focused in sharing key indicators and advantages of placing outsourcing destinations in Chile such as good indicators and top positions in recognized ranking related to political risks and corruption, outstanding economic environment (Government target is to place Chile into First World economies by 2020), timezone proximity for outsourcing services, trade agreements, Government support for investors and IT education. Chilean agency recognized the lack of English speakers developers but agreed to continue investing in such key element needed for the success of outsourcing services. Higher costs than other nearshore destinations like Uruguay is also a disadvantage Finally, different outsourcing companies already established in Chile, like TCS, showcased their success stories and things to consider when establishing here.

Forum was not restricted by company size or technology; everyone has the same benefits and support if choosing Chile as an offshore outsourcing platform. For instance UruIT, a Microsoft Gold partner from Uruguay specialized in providing outsourcing services for US companies from convenient nearshore locations on top of Microsoft products and technologies, was among the list of companies invited by CORFO. Local Microsoft branch continues growing as companies demonstrate huge investment capabilities in technology, in particular Microsoft related ones, becoming a very exciting market for Microsoft IT shops like UruIT, not only for outsourcing but also to provide services for local companies.

This product development project represented a challenge because it required transitioning from an offshore development team in India.

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