China Sourcing Agent Easy Imex Annouces Expansion of Its Sourcing Services to Europe

Adam Gilbourne - Founder of Easy Imex

​Easy Imex, a leading China sourcing agent, has announced the expansion of its sourcing services offerings in the European market. The company already serves importers in the United Kingdom, United States, Australia, New Zealand and Canada but has announced the expansion across Europe to support importers importing from China.

‘’The expansion of our sourcing services across Europe reflects the highly encouraging growth we are seeing in international business. Companies are increasingly understanding the benefits of importing from China and we are pleased to support them whether they are looking for a China sourcing agent to find new factories and suppliers or they are just seeking for a foreign-owned import agent to manage their current supplier,” commented Adam Gilbourne, founder of Easy Imex.

Anyone can source a supplier within seconds on the internet, but to source, analyze and select the right supplier takes time, experience and effort.

Adam Gilbourne, Founder

Of all the challenges in importing directly from China, finding the right factory and establishing a good relationship with the owner to be able to negotiate the best prices while keeping the quality standards are probably the two most difficult burdens for importers purchasing from China.

“Once more, there are a huge number of manufacturers in China that are not listed on sites such as Alibaba and Global Sources. Often these are the best manufacturers in their industry – miss these at your peril,” Gilbourne warns. 

In addition, Gilbourne emphasized the quality of the company's sourcing services in China by stating, “At Easy Imex, a combination of our highly experienced sourcing team and the process we have built up over years means we ensure your product is produced by the right manufacturer from day one.”

To find out more about Easy Imex China Sourcing Agent, please visit

About Easy Imex

Easy Imex is a foreign-owned Professional China Sourcing Agent based in Shanghai. The company offers a one-stop solution to foreign importers purchasing in China, from sourcing suppliers to negotiation, quality assurance, quality control and shipping.

Source: Easy Imex


Tags: china sourcing agent, import from china, sourcing china, sourcing services, supply chain management