China Trade Commission Distributes Free B2B Fraud Prevention Booklet To China Biz Newbies

Hoping to reduce the carnage of clever scams that target foreign businesses, the CTC booklet identifies all the red flags of both common and sophisticated frauds found in China today. Greed often overwhelms common sense in China's huge markets today.

Today the CTC's Public Affairs Director Paul Zhang announced they will provide a free B2B Fraud Prevention Guide to any new business arrival to China who landed here in 2011 as a community service. This handy brochure outlines 12 of the most common frauds perpetrated against foreign business owners in China, even before they arrive here!

More importantly, it offers free advice what to do if you have already been victimized, and how to reduce your vulnerability to commercial exploitation which may not legally qualify as "fraud" in China but would be called a scam in most any other country. "The lure of China's huge markets often overwhelms business owners who may overlook too many red flags if greed prevails" is the first warning contained in the booklet's introduction.

The publication further provides free advice on how to protect your company against fraudsters, data theft, and infiltration from competitors. As CTC Director Anthony S. DeMarco explained "Most foreign businessmen have no clue how vulnerable they are to corporate espionage, until they find out the hard - and very costly way". In recent months over 2 dozen hackers have been discovered attempting penetration of wireless networks of foreign companies operating in Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, and nine other Chinese cities.

The CTC wants to halt or at least impede the trend of IP and customer theft which is still too common in China despite new regulations and penalties introduced last year by the government. "When our due diligence specialists visit local businesses for a free security check, we usually spot at least two or three vulnerable areas - holes in the fence so to speak" added DeMarco. A sample of what to watch for can be found in this CTC article:

"While 90% of all Chinese business operators take pride in having honorable reputations that hey strive to protect, they are often wrongly tainted by the 10% that generate all the horror stories about China." remarked DeMarco.

Since the CTC is over-booked for office visits for the next two months, the new booklet is designed to help identify potential threats and offer solutions as well. It is free to any company executive with a corporate email and web site. To obtain a free copy just send an email to B2BFraudPrevention[at] and allow 10 days for delivery. The publication is also being sent by email to all registered CTC members and existing clients as well.


Tags: Anthony DeMarco, black list, China Trade Commisson, company, Due Diligence, fraud, help, investigation, market, public, report, scam, stock

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Paul Zhang, DIrector of Public Affairs
Press Contact, ChinaTradeCommission
Haidian District