China Trade Commissions Offers Free Executive Business English Lessons to Beijing MBA Grads

As part of their CSR program expansion the CTC is now helping young MBA grads better prepare for China's international role in the local business community. The program is limited to 60 MBA grads.

The China Trade Commission is sponsoring 12 Free Executive Business English Lessons which will be match by co-sponsors at two Haidian English Schools starting next month. The lessons will be given at three different locations including the CTC's conference room in Zhongguancun, Renmin University, and Weigongcun Business Center. Each class is limited to ten students who must already speak semi-fluent English and pass a five page entrance test and oral English personal interview.

This program is limited to the first 60 MBA graduates who enroll before the end of this month. Class will be held on Saturday or Sunday mornings as well as Wednesday evenings and taught by American executives now working in Beijing. All instructors are native English Speakers and each class is 2 hours in length that includes lecture, ppt, and interactive role play. Harvard Business School textbooks will be used for the course. Students must be between 25-40 years of age and reside in Beijing, although they may hail from any country or home town in Asia. The cousre is not open to native English speakers who would benefit the very least from the CTC's training.

According to the CTC's Executive Director Anthony S. DeMArco "We need to help prepare Chinese MBA grads for the aggressive business environment found in the West. Expressing yourself properly in English is vital to success in the world's most competitive market. What you say may not always be as important as how you say it."

This is the first in a series of continuing education the CTC will be offering during 2012. Four other courses will also be offered and copies of the final program will be available before the end of this year. To reserve a copy please send your request by email.

To make your application please send an email with your contact information to promoreservations(at)


Tags: Anthony DeMarco, beijing, Business, China Trade Commission, company, Course, english, executive, lessons, students

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