China's Equipment Manufacturing Industry Increased by 25% for 10 Years to Advance to the Manufacturing Power Annually

Since the reform and opening up, with the release of the productive forces and accelerate the process of economic globalization

Since the reform and opening up, with the release of the productive forces and accelerate the process of economic globalization , China has gradually integrated into the world economy , with a cost advantage, the rapid rise of China 's manufacturing industry . With the industrial system complete with related industrial chain , China is extending from manufacturing low-end to high-end , as a core component manufacturing , equipment manufacturing in China is also mature.

Chinese Vice Minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology , said Su Bo , the equipment manufacturing industry is the "production machinery machines manufacturing " for the national economy expanded reproduction of simple reproduction and provide production technology and equipment, is the foundation for industrial development in particular economic development .

Su Bo said: "I have always believed that the equipment manufacturing industry , especially high-end equipment manufacturing industry is a manifestation of a country 's overall strength , because the high-end equipment manufacturing , or equipment manufacturing industry of the national economy and national defense construction in order to provide some strategic equipment , it is also to promote the country's economic and technological progress and industrial upgrading of basic industry . "

China's Central Economic Work Conference held in 1998 for the first time clearly stated: " To develop equipment manufacturing industry " ; 2006 , issued the " Opinions on Accelerating the revitalization of the equipment manufacturing industry ," the State Council , pointed out that the revitalization of the equipment manufacturing industry is taking a new industrialization roads, improve the capability of independent innovation , strategic initiatives to achieve sustainable economic development. For the importance of the equipment manufacturing industry , China Machinery Industry Federation , vice president CaiWeiCi said: " If there is no modern , with core competitiveness of equipment manufacturing industry in the world to support its agriculture , mining and industries are hard to say in the world is a competitive , modern industries because it is reflected in the level of what tools to use, what kind of approach to production, so , in this sense, I say , is a national competition competition in the real economy , the competition in the real economy to compete in the most fundamental manifestation of the equipment manufacturing industry production tool . "

After years of development , China has formed a complete range of equipment manufacturing industry , large -scale , with a certain level of technology industrial system has become an important pillar industry of the national economy.
In fact, between enterprises, especially large enterprises to compete not only competition among the corporate level , but also the country's overall industrial manufacturing strength competition. Throughout the world , the world's largest international engineering contracting business , Caterpillar , Germany has been able to keep Hawke Tifton dominance in the market , the state behind them and both are equipped manufacturing powerhouse.

Detroit , capital of the world auto industry , brought together the world 's most advanced technology industry , then , where the birth of the world's first automobile production line , Ford 's headquarters here. Now, the Chinese manufacturing advanced automotive stamping production line has been installed here , and in May 2012 and put into use , the production of Ford 's best-selling models. However, a decade ago, China 's major auto production equipment is also almost entirely dependent on imports.

After Ford will equip the newly installed Chinese and German equipment comparison test found that Chinese equipment production stamping quality is better than in Germany , and that this production line for two days a month to complete production lines in Germany . China -made equipment has been recognized by Ford , they decided to order a further increase in Chinese production line . Mechanical Science Research Qu Xianming , former vice president , said: "In the past we have this child ah, all foreign imports are bought abroad ( production ) line ."

Starting in 2000 , the car began to enter China 's household, but because of production equipment imported cars , family cars on the market only few varieties , prices are high. To change this situation , known as China Automotive Equipment Department of Jinan Second Machine Tool Group Co., Ltd. in the most expensive stamping equipment to find a breakthrough , hard work pays off , Jining II Group R & D equipment gained market recognition, Director long Zhang Zhigang , said: " since we introduced the American technology, according to the traditional habits of many companies would say that we are America's technology, it is critical to answer , this is our economy II technology, represents what : you are on your technology confidence, I do not need to rely on technology to any country , and their technical merits , I have integrated to form our economy two technologies . "

In ten years time , this annual investment of Chinese enterprises in technological innovation has remained at more than 6% of total income , much higher than the 1.9% average level of China . Design and manufacture of continuous innovation , changing the pattern of world automotive stamping equipment market , the domestic auto companies spend 85% of the Chinese -made punch line , making the cost of automobile manufacturing greatly reduced , allowing cars to enter at least three years ahead of mass ordinary people 's homes. Qu Xianming , said: "Now, we have a lot of industry , a lot of products, technology and foreign ( high-end ) is very close, ( foreign companies ) to sell a Chinese technology , the Chinese people strong manufacturing capacity , low labor costs, but also large the market can be mass-produced, the cost of several factors a superimposed on the go . "

The world's largest daily output in a miniature circuit breaker production line , nearly 80 individuals to produce a thirty day time products , which, efficiency is the key. Each level 4 is divided into a corresponding group of workers in order to realize pipeline operations. A small circuit breaker requires 28 components , each responsible for installing 7 , which they worked out the most efficient in production staffing . This is a labor-intensive products , but also the main characteristics of Chinese manufacture. With a large number of Western countries to transfer labor-intensive manufacturing industries to China , China has become the world's largest factory. Once upon a time , lift made ​​in China , people are reminded of the circuit breaker , shirts , shoes and other products at the low end of the industry chain , and in fact , China has also begun to manufacture industrial chain of high-end advance .

In the past decade, China 's equipment manufacturing industry with an annual growth rate of 25% , and the difficulties of many technology breakthroughs , beginning in 2009 , the total output value of China's equipment manufacturing has surpassed the United States as the world 's manufacturing powerhouse , and occupy a lot of the international market, but China is still far from being a manufacturing power equipment . At present , China 's machinery manufacturing core components still need to rely mainly on imports from foreign countries. Chinese Academy of Engineering academician Liu Baicheng , said: "According to data released by the first two years , we export ( CNC ) machine tools ( value ) probably around 12 million , imports ( CNC ) machine tools around 70 million , about one to six , indicating what the problem is , is a high-end , complex machine or imported . "

In Liu Baicheng view, in addition to high-end CNC machine tools , China 's equipment manufacturing industry , there are many soft underbelly , plagued China for years to have a pain - key components have been controlled by others.

Liu Baicheng , said: "Our country is soon to be put into the domestic large aircraft , called the C919, the seat probably in 180-200 is not a wide-body , narrow-body , plans a test flight in 2015 , however , all of the engine needs to be imported , I cite this example . instructions, the core technology of our high-end equipment did not grasp . "
So , to what standard is the real power equipment manufacturing it ? Minister of Chinese Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Miao Wei gives his answer: " I ​​think there are three flags in order to become a real manufacturing power , first , to grasp the core technology to peer between the world especially from some of the key technologies to lead , the leading role of the whole industry chain development ; second , a group of internationally -known equipment capable of manufacturing multinationals , we mention to GE, it is very strong, have China 's GE; third, international equipment on the market, we should have a place and I think that if you do three flags , we became a manufacturing powerhouse of the . "


Tags: Chipboard Production Line, glue making machine, Impregnation line, MDF production line, particle board line, Particle Board Production Line, water well scre

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