Choose a University, Anywhere

Educaedu introduces an online tool for finding courses and programs in higher education institutions around the world.

According to a study by the International Institute of Education, over 200,000 international students came to study in the U.S. last year. Likewise, around 262,000 American students studied in another country, which is up fourfold from two decades ago. For students looking to study in the U.S., as well as American students looking to study abroad, Educaedu can help make that decision on where and what to study a bit easier. Educaedu is the leading online global educational directory, with more than 90,000 courses and programs. Educaedu can directly connect students with colleges and universities all over the world.

Educaedu has websites for 20 different countries in 9 languages and has a combined average of 60,000 unique visitors per day. What sets Educaedu apart from other online directories is the vast quantity of information available to users, and the concept of education in a global context. Educaedu websites provide useful information for thousands of courses, certificates, bachelors, masters and MBAs offered around the world. Through a single portal it is possible to find all the necessary details of study programs offered in such countries as Canada, Brazil, Spain, France, Italy, Portugal, Mexico, Australia, Chile, Argentina, Colombia, Poland, Turkey and Russia. In addition to finding information in the native language of each country, the user can also find many programs listed in English.

Educaedu United States is one of the newer sites to join the Educaedu family, and it is growing rapidly as new universities and study programs are added every day. Students can find details on the programs offered, such as price, description, goals and requirements, all of which help with the choice between different institutions, degrees and locations.

One of the advantages of Educaedu is the advanced search engine system, which can filter courses and programs by state, city, mode of study and area of study. Another benefit Educaedu offers is its ability to connect students with schools and programs of interest by directing them to the specific program coordinator or admissions officer using advanced and efficient enquiry forms. By continuously updating its database, the website provides all the necessary elements for the quick and easy selection of a course most suited to oneĀ“s profile.

Press Contact
Alice Jessup
Tel.: +(54911) 4861-4172
Fax: +(54911) 5256-6630
[email protected]

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Tags: college, courses, programs abroad, Study abroad, university

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