Chris Yonclas of Netcentric Solutions Discusses Cyber and Big Data with ExecutiveBiz

ExecutiveBiz is one of EM's premiere websites and focuses on the news that executives need to know, including alerts on new contracts and industry reports, to conduct and acquire new business.

Executive spotlights are in-depth Q&A’s which ExecutiveBiz conducts with numerous chief and top-level executives in GovCon.

The intimate access afforded by these interviews provides insight as to how companies are acquiring new business, what the future holds and the personal side of corporate leaders.

ExecutiveBiz recently published a spotlight with Chris Yonclas, NetCentric Solutions strategic business unit president at Vistronix.

The 25 year industry veteran joined Vistronix when the company acquired NetCentric Solutions and he held a number of roles at MITRE earlier in his career.

In his conversation with ExecutiveBiz, Yonclas discussed the intricacies of big data analytics, the cyberwork Vistronix is doing and his past technology roles.

“We are applying analytics and correlational intelligence to real-time tactical military environments. We are working on position reporting analytics or trying to find location patterns. One of the big challenges of our tactical networks is spectrum.  In a fast moving tactical environment, we cannot move all data required efficiently for big data analytics, so we are also working on algorithms and hybrid approaches and architectures to push analytics closer to the sensor and discern the most important and actionable data for the mission at hand,” said Yonclas.

He shared his thoughts on the company’s work in big data and cyber moving forward.

“I see a convergence in big data and cyber operations.  Our big data cloud analytics can help with real-time event coordination, as we are doing big data analytics real-time in cyber space. I don’t see any limits on this technology,” he said.

Yonclas also spoke about open source capabilities and predictive analytics.

“There are a lot of open source capabilities being developed, but the challenges include determining how to get relevant and actionable intelligence and employing predictive data analytics for mission effectiveness,” he added.

Executive Mosaic’s portfolio of more than five media platforms serves to inform executives from across GovCon and the defense sector of the events, people and companies that shape their industry.


Tags: Chris Yonclas, MITRE, NetCentric Solutions, Vistronix

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