Christie MicroTiles Showing The DuPont Story At Johnston DuPont Innovation Center

DuPont President and Governor of Iowa Experience Christie MicroTiles Technology at "Collaboratory" Grand Opening

Christie® and AVI Systems have created a striking 10-unit wide by 5-units tall Christie® MicroTiles® digital display wall in Johnston, Iowa that impressed those attending the Center's grand opening June 25. Also known as the Collaboratory, and the twelfth center DuPont has opened globally, the Johnston DuPont Innovation Center provides a unique environment for collaboration among more than 10,000 DuPont scientists and engineers with customers, government officials, academics, and business partners around the world.

The 3,500 square foot space and adjoining collaboration room showcases the latest company technology, applications and products that are designed to meet the world's biggest challenges, including food security, energy and protection.

AVI Systems and DuPont Choose Christie MicroTiles

The initial idea was to install flat panels but Les Hofland, System Sales Specialist, CTS, AVI Systems, had Christie MicroTiles in mind from the start.

"We showed the 5-high by 1-wide Christie MicroTiles tower we have to some people at the Center about two months before they brought us into this meeting," said Hofland. "I brought in the DuPont people and one thing they really liked was that on each MicroTiles unit they could pull out the light engine and put a new one in within 15 minutes. They didn't have to worry about replacing the entire wall."

Christie and AVI Systems Meet Strict Deadline; Christie MicroTiles Overcome Substantial Ambient Light

Working with McCullough Creative, who produced the corporate videos and other content shown on the Christie MicroTiles, the installation team had a June 22 cutoff date for the opening three days later.

"The room was still under construction so we couldn't get in there until the last week in May. They wanted the wall up and running a couple weeks ahead of the deadline to give the software designers some play time with the equipment," said Hofland. "We met the deadline and I was very happy with the information we received for designing the wall. Everything showed up just days after we put the order in; things happened quickly and we were surprised about the fast delivery time. Christie really stepped up to the plate."

Since they are located against one wall in a large, south facing room with glass windows running almost ceiling to floor, bright sunlight often bathes the Christie MicroTiles.

"Bright, ambient light is a factor but it doesn't impact the MicroTiles at all," said Hofland. "The display always looks nice and full without any problems seeing it. Everyone loves the MicroTiles and think it's the best thing they have ever seen."

With a much wider color palette than conventional LCD displays, Christie MicroTiles show pure, saturated, accurate colors. The modular display technology can be configured into nearly any shape and size to create a gorgeous digital canvas.

About Christie®
Christie is a global visual technologies company and is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Ushio, Inc., Japan, (JP:6925). Consistently setting the standards by being the first to market some of the world's most advanced projectors and complete system displays, Christie is recognized as one of the most innovative visual technology companies in the world. From retail displays to Hollywood, mission critical command centers to classrooms and training simulators, Christie display solutions and projectors capture the attention of audiences around the world with dynamic and stunning images. For more information, visit


Tags: Christie, dupont, MicroTiles

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