Christof Sander new director services of Truition Europe

Christof Sander has been appointed director services of software-as-a-service e-commerce solutions provider Truition Europe

Christof Sander, 33, has been appointed director services of Truition Europe, located in Jena (Germany) where he is mainly responsible for the development of individual service offers for Truition customers, which includes implementation, project management and technical support.

Prior to joining Truition Europe, the eCommerce expert Christof Sander set up various sales channels ("Multi Channel"), such as webshops, market places, and auction platforms and developed professional service for them.

Previously, Christof Sander had worked at Bertelsmann AG in Gutersloh (Germany) as a logistics and eCommerce project manager and had gained his first experiences in the field of software development and merchandise planning and control management solutions at the Lidl Stiftung, where he took off as international project manager after finishing business studies.

Contact: Truition GmbH, Leutragraben 1, 07743 Jena/ Germany. Phone: +49 (0) 3641 573337,, [email protected]

The Canadian-German company Truition is an industry-leading provider of software-as-a-service e-commerce solutions for online retailers. Its customized technology platforms include professional service and enable retailers to outsource key elements of their eCommerce operations: They allow for Web 2.0 marketing campaigns and a connection to online marketplaces without the high costs related to licensed or in-house solutions, for the central management of different online distribution channels (such as online shops), as well as for online marketplaces and auctions operations. Truition Headquarters are based in Toronto, Canada. The company's European branch is Truition GmbH which is located in Jena, Germany.


Tags: eCommerce, marketing, shopsoftware, Software as a Service

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Diana Knopf
Press Contact, Truition GmbH
Truition GmbH
Leutragraben 1