Church Property For Sale 101- Finding Church Property For Sale
Online, December 31, 2013 ( - What do you do when you're looking for Church property that's on sale?
Lots of Church congregations face these odds of looking for new Church properties or building or expanding expanding ones.
When it comes to purchasing a property that's on sale, you stand at a great chance of getting frustrated over the prospect of growth and making a difference in the life of your Church.
Will this Church property work?
Will the sale of this property be advantageous to our Church's growth?
Lots of questions come to mind when you're seeking to grow and purchase new property for your Church. But realize right now that you're in good company.
There are tons of pastors who make this leap of faith.
There are tons of pastors who make this leap of faith.
It is our aim that our website below will give you some of the much needed tools to see your Church growth expand drastically, as you implement the 5 P's to Church Growth that we provide there.
Here are some things that you can do right now that will serve you.
1. Pray without ceasing before and after approaching the realtor.
You never know if God has something better in store for you than what you imagined.
2. Get Fundraisers on Your Side Quickly.
You never know how much money you're going to need when it comes to growing your Church and making a huge impact in your local community after the property has been purchased. You need to get your finances on your side. We help with that as well.
3. Get Your Congregation Hooked on Your Vision Quickly.
With a good base of members who are fully committed to the vision that the Lord has given you can to quite a bit of work for your Church after the property for sale has been purchased by you.
4. Include some powerful eye-catching entertainment and concerts to aid your fundraising efforts.
As a musician and publicist, I'm very much aware about why we as people listen to music.Simply put, music has a profound effect on our psyche, influencing our emotions and pushing us to change our wills. When it is music that is God-focused, our change then is directioned towards Him.
I was speaking to my wife the other day and she let me know that more than preaching, that gospel music has the greatest effect on her. That's why as a musician I endeavored this year to do as much music and concerts featuring lots of gospel music that by God's grace will be used by God to bring transformation to many lives. You'll find this to bevery advantageous for your Church as you get ready to expand and purchase on sale property for your Church.
If you want to know how to get your congregation hoked on the vision and also to discover the 5 P's of Church Growth and much more go to
Let's help you grow your church, purchase property and increase yor church's money pool through concerts For more free information about how we can help you grow go to
Tags: church, for, property, sale