CI Centre Announces Global Update of SPYPEDIA®.net Security Awareness Database

World's Most Comprehensive & Informative Security and Counterintelligence Database Updated daily on &

 The Centre for Counterintelligence and Security Studies® (CI Centre), the nation’s leading counterintelligence (CI), counterterrorism (CT), Cyber Security, and security training and education company, today announced the updates of SPYPEDIA®. This exclusive online database provides the security and intelligence community with instant and up-to-the-minute access to all Security, CI, CT, and Cyber Security related news and events of yesterday and today.

SPYPEDIA® is the most comprehensive database of its kind to be offered to private and government security and intelligence professionals from around the world to include educators, academics, students, and all who share an interest in Security, CI and CT, and Cyber Security. The research and development of this project began 18 years ago with the ultimate objective of developing the world’s most comprehensive, informative, and up to date library of such information. 

The database provides critical information available for download for security briefings and a multitude of research projects, along with countless hours of original podcasts and videos providing analysis and lessons learned. Most recently added were our Google Global Threat Assessment maps. SPYPEDIA®  which presently offers hundreds of spy case studies and reviews spanning the past 70 years and is updated daily as news breaks. Moreover, the CI Centre’s site search capability allows for easy review of hundreds of hours of congressional hearings, news articles, and espionage and terrorist cases.

In an effort to ensure the relevancy and accuracy of all SPYPEDIA® data, the CI Centre has developed a process to maintain and support this powerful database in real time fashion. As an exclusive SPYPEDIA® member, subscribers will now have unlimited access to thousands of current and archived news links allowing them to stay on top of CI, CT, and security trends. Additionally, members can research hundreds of case studies relating to traditional national defense espionage cases, economic espionage, corporate espionage, security leaks, illegal exports to high-threat countries, cyber security and cyber criminal activity and domestic terrorists. Members also have access to our in depth digital library and down loadable presentations to use in your security awareness presentations.

As the leading counterintelligence, counterterrorism and security training and online database provider, the Centre for Counterintelligence and Security Studies has more than 18 years of experience providing over 60 training courses and briefings for U.S. government agencies, the U.S. Military, and corporate clients. Our training is designed to protect information, personnel and facilities from foreign intelligence collectors, global terrorists and competitor threats. 

Annual Memberships are $365 Per person 

Business Accounts receive a 50% discount- Contact Meaghan Smith  for business accounts 

Meaghan Smith

SPYPEDIA Senior Account Executive


[email protected]


Tags: CIA, Counterintelligence, counterterrorism, cyber security, education, espionage, FBI, government, insider threat, international terrorism, security training, terrorism

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