Circle of Time by Recy Dunn - Chapter Fourteen - Heed the Words

He was known in America, Russia, Britain, Israel, and other parts of the world as Leopold Williams. In South Africa, he was also known as Lamizana, 'Umbiki,' the messenger. -- Chapter fourteen - ...He stared at two young boys hovering together under a covered picnic table. He had kept them under his observation since an Army sergeant dropped off his son and Djhon at the park to pursue a Boy Scout project of studying natural elements. The rain showers were violent and brief. After the rain stopped the two boys, giggling at each other's attempts to stay dry, proceeded with their project.

The sergeant's boy was the first to see it. He stopped and stared at the object. "Somebody lost a medallion," he said.

The old man stood, at least twenty yards away. Djhon playfully pushed his friend. "Aw, come on, nobody lost the medallion. See, it had been carefully placed, not dropped, and it's resting upright against a tree. Obviously, someone had placed it there. Perhaps a jogger; the park is a common exercise grounds for local residents." He reached down to pick up the medallion. They admired its artistic workmanship when the old man suddenly stood before them.

"The owner of such a fine medallion would probably be disturbed when he returned and it was missing." He startled the two boys.

"We, er... we sir, were just admiring it," stammered Djhon.

"Things of beauty are to be cherished and not parted with. You, young man, must be Djhon McClendon?" The old man smiled and rubbed the other boy's head.

"Yes sir, but how did you know my name?"

"I know many things about you, my son. I have known you since you were born. I have come from a very far place to make sure that you are prospering as we intended."

"Sir," said Djhon, "then, you must also have known my mother before she died? And also my dad."

Circle of Time by Recy Dunn can be purchase at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Booksamillion, certain UK book websites and local book stores.

Books by Recy
Recy Dunn
14815 N Eldridge Pkwy
Houston, Texas 77070


Tags: adventure, crime, mystery, suspense, thriller

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