Circle of Time by Recy Dunn - Chapter Thirteen - The Secret To The Riddle

0830 hours. - When Jonathan arrived the next morning, Phyllis was standing outside the apartment steps. Her hair rolled in a large bun and she was wearing a blue blouse and a checkerbloom wrap around skirt.

Chapter thirteen..."Right on time. I had you pegged," said Phyllis.

"I'm sorry, what did you say?" Jonathan asked as he got out to open the car door.

"Oh nothing," smiled Phyllis.

Breakfast with Phyllis was more than Jonathan bargained for. She questioned his childhood, his decision to attend George Washington University, why he joined the Army and how and where he had met his wife.

Jonathan liked her personality and directness. The two talked for several hours. Jonathan decided to show Phyllis the sites of Houston. They toured NASA and Busch Gardens. Later in the day after leaving the museum, Jonathan and Phyllis locked arms and walked to where the car was parked.

"Some local merchant must either be opening up a new shop or have a sales special going on," said Jonathan. He reached to lift what at first appeared to be a sales flier. The paper was folded once, with his name and military rank addressed on it.

"Who would be leaving a note addressed to you on your car?"

Jonathan shook his head slowly. "I don't know... I can't make it out. It seems to be written in another language."

Phyllis grabs the note. "Let me see it. That is odd; this note seems to be written in Swahili. No, not Swahili, the vowels are slightly different. It's either Xhosa or Zulu."

Jonathan's brow arched with surprise. "Zulu. You've got to be kidding."

Phyllis nodded. "These words don't make any sense." She tried to read aloud the note.

"Qaphela! Khulu nye dlula isehlo... ncane umfana woza, sina emacaleni onke wag' n bietjie umuthi. Ngokuba guga indoda kanti ubuthakathaka into umqondo sukuma pha amandla ethula isishiyagalombili ufakazi memeza Ngadla!"

"You were in South Africa, not me! Maybe it's intended for you."

"No, this is definitely for you."

"Who, besides Kate and the General even knows you were here?"
"No one," answered Jonathan."

"Someone sure the hell does! Wait a minute, you and the General worked together at the Pentagon? Are you involved in the C.I.A.?"

"C.I.A., don't be ridiculous," protested Jonathan. "Let me see that damn note again. It's madness, this doesn't tell me anything."

"Then, why in the hell are you so upset?"

"I'm all right. Do you have any idea what it says?"

"No, but I recognized some of the vowels."

"Hell! Give me the darn note. Let's go." They got into the car and headed north. The inside of the car was silent. The foreskin at Jonathan's temple was wrinkled as though he was in deep thought.

"Jon, please talk to me."


"I said, please talk to me. What's the matter? You haven't said a single word to me in the past five minutes."

Jonathan turned the car into a small shopping center directly in front of an Italian place. "Let's have lunch," he said. He got out of the car and left Phyllis sitting there. He walked thirty feet before he realized that she was not by his side. He turned and saw Phyllis; she fixed him with a piercing glance. Jonathan walked back to the car and offered a sheepish apology.

Books By Recy
14815 N Eldridge Pkwy
Houston, Texas 77070

Circle of Time by Recy Dunn can be purchase at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and local bookstores


Tags: adventure, crime, mystery, suspense, thriller

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14815 N Eldridge Pkwy
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