Circle of Time - Chapter One - They Who Dare

On December 16, 1838, 464 Boers, led by Andries Pretorius defeated more than 10,000 Zulu warriors. The deeply religious Boers declared their military victory as a sign and message of God. ...It also led to the establishment of the ANC.

Chapter one - They Who Dare.
South Africa - 1948

"They killed my father! You don't understand," screamed Jan. "The bloody bastards detonated a bomb in their sleeping quarters. The examiner found his legs on top of a bench and the other one outside the window. For Pete sakes, I could not recognize him."

Jan Linden belief in a possible link between the African tribes and Apartheid has long provoked the ire of his myriad critics.

"Who are they, Jan?" shouted the captain.

"Please don't patronize me. You know bloody hell what I'm saying." Jan's rage, his blood-shot eyes focused on trying to convince his captain and co-workers that the leaders of the ANC were responsible for the death of his father.

"But Jan, who are the leaders? If we knew their identities, I would personally arrest them myself."

Jan tapped twice with his finger on a pack of Kools and pulled out a cigarette. He lit up, took a long drag, and slowly exhaled towards the captain.

The captain arched his eyebrow and frowned at Jan.

"I will not rest until I have made those people pay dearly for what they have done. I don't care how long it takes. I will follow every lead and trail from here to kingdom come. Believe me captain, I will make them pay." Jan turned and walked away.

"Lieutenant Linden," shouted the captain. "Just make sure that it's done within the bloody parameters' of the Queen's Court.

Circle of Time is available at,,


Tags: adventure, crime, mystery, susoense, thriller

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