Cisco Learning Program for CCIE & CCIE Voice - By Test4Prep

Cisco is one of the popular vendors in the certification market which offer many certifications like CCIE and CCIE Voice. Now Test4Prep offer updated training material on CCIE and CCIE Voice certification.

CCIE which is Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert certification is one of the most popular certification of vendor Cisco which accepted everywhere in the world. CCIE certification sets a target for internetworking proficiency. CCIE updated exams material is now available on Test4Prep. So get the free demo and get prepare yourself for the exam.

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CCIE Voice is the smart way to train yourself with the latest skills and information which is helpful to support your network. CCIE Voice certification program help you to make your networking skills more comprehensive. Now Cisco CCIE Voice certification exams are available on Test4Prep.

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Different Psychologists have commented differently to the question, which type of leadership is more effective?

Lewin, Lipit & White conclude that democratic leadership is more effective. Smith and Peterson, 1988, say that the authoritarian Leadership is effective when the achievement of better production is goal and democratic leadership is more effective when the target to increase morale and speed of work as the members happily take interest in their work and cooperate with each other.

Characteristics of CCIE & CCIE Voice Certification according to different theories:

Social Psychologists have presented many explanations for the characteristics of an effective leader e.g.,

1. Trait approach or the great person theory suggests that a person with the "right stuff" can become a leader in any culture. Charisma, a mysterious quality of super human's super power having a magnetic force to attract others is cited to explain leadership. Leadership qualities are universal in all fields of life whether it is in business, education, politics, industries etc. Some researchers characterize business leaders with drive or a desire to lead and influence others, trustworthiness, honesty, creativity, flexibility, intelligence and expert knowledge. According to Stogill, a leader should have three types traits i.e.,

(i) Physical traits
(ii) Personality traits and
(iii) Acquired traits e.g.,

A leader in America is older in age, taller in height, healthy and strong but Quaid-i-Azam, Gandhi, Hitler and Napoli an were not physically stronger than their followers. They had the other traits of personality including intelligence, reasoning and persuasive quality.

2. Contingency theory proposes that effectiveness of a leader depends on the interaction of characteristics, of a leader and situation because leadership is dynamic and constantly changing as a fluid social relationships guided by norms. Katz, Kahn, Hollander say that the mere leader's traits are not important if they do not fulfill the people's needs. Environmental conditions affect the requirements of both group members and their leader. So there are three factors necessary for the emergency of a leader

(i) situation
(ii) leader's characteristics and
(iii), the follower's characteristics the interaction of all three determines an individual as a leader.

3. Fred Fielder's theory of Leadership presents comparison of two types i.e.,

(i) task oriented leadership and
(ii) Relationship oriented leadership.

Any of this type of leadership depends on the favorableness of the situation which has to be faced by the leader, consists of three factors

(i) leader-group relationship based on loyalty,
(ii) task-structure with a duty- sense and
(iii) leader's position and power. Fielder's theory is observed in Industry Department.

4. Path-goal Leadership theory is presented by Gerogopouls and corrected by Professor House & Martin, they say that four types of leadership can be effective for the motivation and performance of workers i.e.,


Tags: ccie, CCIE voice, cisco

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