City of Seattle Partners With Signetic for Vaccine Management Solution
SEATTLE, March 10, 2021 ( - After a successful test run last Wednesday of Signetic's MVS, a vaccination management solution, at Seattle's Lumen Field, the city began sending out pre-registration links to community based organizations Monday, Mar. 1. Contingent on logistics, including vaccine supply, the partnership, which includes contributions from Swedish Health Services, aims to publish a live registration link to more than 65 zip codes as early as Mar. 10.
"We think we can do up to 20,000 [vaccinations at Lumen Field] a day," said Seattle mayor Jenny Durkan at an outdoor Mar. 1 press conference, "But that will take us scaling up both personnel and vaccines."
In addition to Lumen Field, which will begin efforts Saturday, Mar. 13, Signetic's software is already servicing two vaccination sites at Rainier Beach and in West Seattle.
"I was at the Rainier Beach site yesterday," King County Executive Dow Constantine told Seattle's KUOW on Mar. 2. "It's actually up and running. And it was really exciting to see that a community that is very diverse and has a lot of folks that have not been connected to the medical system—the formal medical system—will now have access."
The City of Seattle partnership with Signetic follows similar agreements with Seattle Visiting Nurses Association (SVNA), and Snohomish County.
Signetic MVS features a clean, user-friendly registration site for patients, state reporting integrations, multi-site support, mobile and tablet apps for clinicians, and a team ready to customize local- or state-level screening criteria. Data is stored in a HIPAA-protected cloud built with Microsoft Power Platform. Overall, Signetic MVS is a paperless, end-to-end solution that's built to be deployed quickly.
"We can get an organization up and running within three days, and fully customized in three weeks,'' said Signetic founder Chandika Bhandari. "Most importantly, they can start accepting patient registrations in days, and we can scale to as many sites as needed, anywhere in the world. We're so fortunate to get an opportunity to help in this cause."
Built in conjunction with healthcare professionals at SVNA, Signetic MVS is designed not only with patients in mind, but informed directly by healthcare clinicians and administrators. "SVNA is the largest community immunizer in Washington state," SVNA CEO Jake Scherf said. "We've protected more than 40,000 patients from the flu this year, and we've been doing this since 2009."
Signetic MVS is also highly configurable from one organization's IT environment to the next. Templated, in-depth workflow models for administering Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson vaccines are available for any engagement. The flexible system will also easily customize for future vaccine regimes and workflows.
Source: Signetic
Tags: City of Seattle, Covid-19 Vaccine, Lumen Field, Signetic, vaccination management, vaccination scheduler, Washington state