CleanToShine Announces an Affordable End of Lease Cleaning Melbourne Wide

CleanToShine helps tenants effectively clean a rental home prior to a landlord inspection.

End Of Lease Cleaning Melbourne

CleanToShine has been serving end of lease cleaning Melbourne wide for the past 12 years. During this period, the company has helped many tenants in their tenancy period and ensured their full bond amount.

Sometimes the tenants stay in the rental house for six to eight months and leave the apartment unclean. Such a situation becomes stressful for the landlords, and they have to pay the house cleaning company, which is unprofessional.

Every tenant should take the responsibility of handing over the rental apartment clean and after necessary services.

Tenants who are busy with office work should hire professional lease cleaners for assured cleaning.

On the other hand, tenants who find enough time to clean every corner of the rented house should also approach the professionals.

They should choose professional vacant cleaning services because it saves time and money, professionals have smart equipment and techniques, maintain professionalism and relationship, and most importantly, it is within budget.

CleanToShine, as the most trusted vacate cleaning firm, offers four packages to tenants looking for affordable services. The end of lease cleaning price for Melbourne starts from $160.00, and there will be no extra charge for the weekend.

Not only does the company end of lease cleaning, but they also do house cleaning, oven cleaning, carpet cleaning, gutter cleaning, and even flea treatment all within budget.

They have highly trained and experienced cleaners who use strictly chemical-free products to save the environment, pets, and humans.

The company guarantees a 97% bond back amount with professional end of lease cleaning services.

From 2009 to the present day, the company has handled and completed several lease cleaning projects. Their dedication and perseverance towards the work make them the most recommended ones in Melbourne and the surrounding suburbs. In addition, they ensure thorough cleaning of the rental house so that the landlord can sell it to the next tenant.

Source: Clean To Shine


Tags: Cleaning, End of lease cleaning, Lease cleaning, Melbourne

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